Chapter 52

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Devastated, is not a word strong enough to express how I felt when we got the call. Since the passing of Philip, Granny, as I have been used to call her, wasn't the same anymore, and we got to witness a decrease in her strength, her health and even her joy.

But oddly enough, we never thought this day would come. 

* Earlier today *

It was a pretty normal Thursday morning, and Harry and I were feeding the twins. They were almost two already, everything was going fine and the Jubilee had been amazing and the Queen had been really pleased.

Lately she was a it more tired than usual and since the twins had been sick last week we decided to not go at the usual family brunch that takes place every Sunday, since we didn't want to risk anything and since then Granny had gone to Balmoral castle the next day, we would only be joining next weekend. 

It was around 12 p.m. when Harry got a call and his face completely darkened once he answered the phone. After all our years together there had only been a handful of times when I had seen him like that. The last time being when Grandpa Philip passed. 

"Ella we have to go to Balmoral now!" he said as soon as he hung up and instantly I started to feel sick to my stomach. I didn't question him tho, I ringed one of the maids and asked her kindly to start and pack the twins' clothes and every other items needed. 

"Harry, what's going on?" It took me all the courage I had gathered to ask that question, we were already in the car, so I'll let you guess how long it took me to gather the courage needed. He simply put his hand over mine and focused on the road. 

As soon as we arrived at the airport, we saw Kate and William stepping inside the jet, and for once we were to break protocol and all go together on the flight. We didn't want to waste any more time. 

Rose and James were never fussy babies but it seemed like they somewhat knew that something was wrong because they really didn't make a noise during the whole trip. It took us 1h40 to arrive to Aberdeen and we knew that we would also take more than an hour to arrive at Balmoral castle. 

William was driving the car and Harry was next to him, Kate, me and the babies were at the back of the car with the maid that had come with us. 

We could hear William and Harry chatting and Kate then turned to me.

" Do you think that..." Kate herself couldn't end her sentence, she had glossy eyes and she was trying to stay composed, as she always is. 

"I- I don't know." I tell her putting my hand on hers and giving it a light squeeze.

"Do you know if you father is already there?" I asked the guys, and they nodded in sync.

"Daddy, and aunt Anne are there. I have been told that Uncle Edward was on his way too." William says his eyes never leaving the road.

And then as we were 30 minutes away from the castle, William and Harry's phone rang at the same time. Kate squeezed my hand as I felt like the world and my heart rate were slowing down.

I saw my husband answer the phone with trembling hands, as William sped towards the castle, praying it would just be a routine call, to ask if everything was okay. But the biggest sob that came out of Harry's mouth was the terrible confirmation of what we were all dreading.

I hadn't even realised I was crying until I felt my tears fall on my hands. Even if with Kate we were really close it was the very first time I had seen her in this state, completely and totally devastated. William had to pull the car over, his eyes were filled with tears and he couldn't even see the road properly. 

One of the bodyguards that were in the car behind us, took the wheel of our car and continue the journey as William sat at the back of the car and sobbed quietly as Harry was.

As soon as we arrived the Maid took the twins and we rushed towards the room we knew was Granny's. 

The boys went in, I didn't have the courage to go and see her like that. As peaceful as she may have looked. I didn't want my last memory of her to be this way, and I think Kate thought the same because she stood beside me outside of the room. 

The workers of the castle were passing by us curtsying and paying their condolences and it all felt too much to me. I stopped the last butler that came by and asked to show us to the nearest sitting room and kindly asked him to bring us tea and something to eat.

We were exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally. It was all too much to take and after a trip of more than 3 hours without eating we were loosing all our strength. 

As soon as the butler closed the door of the sitting room, Kate hugged me and we completely fell into each others arms and started sobbing. She was just so amazing so great and such a kind hearted person that it literally made no sense being here if she wasn't.

She would always tell us some anecdotes about what had happened in each room, or what each painting represented or when they had acquired them. She would tell us anecdotes about some presidents or important people. She had the best sense of humor and was always ready for a joke and to laugh. 

I sniffled and let go a bit of Kate so I could get tissues for the both of us. She thanked me when I handed her the tissue and we just sat there looking into the nothingness. 

It had been three hours now since we had arrived and the tabloids were now aware that Granny had passed. All their journals entitled 'London Bridge is down'. Harry and William were called into emergency meetings, they were to now pledge allegiance to their father. 

" I still can't believe that Camilla is going to be Queen consort." Kate said in a whisper to me, and I just nodded, I couldn't believe it either but the Queen had decided it and we weren't to discuss her wills. 

James and Rose were with me, Kate had helped me feed them their soup and they were now playing together on the floor with some of their toys that I had brought. We weren't alone anymore, aunt Sophie was there, as were auntie Anne and Camilla had just walked inside the room, and that's when it dawned on me.

I turned to Kate quickly and said "are we really supposed to curtsy to her now?", she shrugged but eventually she nodded. For my part I waited to see how Anne and Sophie were going to react. Camilla looked awful, could it be that she actually was sad for Granny or did she see her death as now a new burden upon her and her dear husband? I mean she is 75 years old after all. 

"Camilla you will excuse us, but the curtsies and protocol aren't important right now. We are all grieving and will consider you Queen consort when my dear mama will be laid to rest." said Anne, she was always speaking her mind and that is one of the reasons I liked her so much. 

Camilla just nodded and I felt sympathy for a quick moment, Granny was her mother in law after all. 

We were now to enter a period of grieving and it would last 10 days for the public, but of course for us it would last indefinitely. I was so not looking forward to those next ten days...



Hi everyone and thank you so much for reading and keeping up with me even if I am a terrible writer for not updating more often.

I felt like I really needed to update and write this chapter in the memory of the Queen. It didn't feel right for me to go on with the story as if nothing had happened in real life. I also wanted to remind everyone that those are just fictional reactions and story line to the reaction of her Majesty's death. 

Also the last time I had updated this story was on the 19th September 2021, exactly one year before the Queen would be laid to rest. 

Thank you so much again for the love and support you are constantly showing to me and to this book, I am forever grateful. ❤ 

Stay safe.

Lots of love.


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