Chapter 11

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For the first time I am introducing Prince Harry's POV, ENJOY!!!


Harry's POV.

Wow, it's all I can thing about, meeting this girl in my favorite park was amazing, I feel something about her, it's so different from the others, it's almost magical, how she makes me feel, so normal, so great, is that even possible? I mean I only knew her for what 1 hour not even that, I am now back at the Kensington Palace, I cannot stop thinking about her, and she was so pretty, he long brown curly hair, her smile, her eyes, her voice and that body.

"Brother!" William said entering the living room where I was.

"Are you all ready for tonight?" right! I forgot about that, William asked me to go with him because Kate isn't feeling okay.

"Yes, yes, I'm back from the park, I was just taking some fresh air before tonight." I said, standing up from the couch and going to my bed room where my valet was waiting for me with the suite I'll be wearing tonight.

"Brother, I can see you're thoughts aren't here, I mean you're definitely here but your mind isn't. Something is bothering you?" he asked concerned following me to my room. I always tell everything to William his my brother but also my best friend, he always has been there for me.

"Well I met, a girl, and I can't take her out of my head." I said shyly 

"Ohhh it's about a girl eh?" he said smiling, "and what about her?" he asked again.

"Well I didn't get to tell her who I really am, and I only know her name, I'm afraid I'll never see her again." I said looking down.

"Oh I see, well I am truly sorry for you my brother, but if I can say something I've learned even when I was with Kate, we broke up at some point but got back together, look now, we are happily married, we have two beautiful children and baby number three is on the way, so don't worry if you're meant to meet again and if you're meant to be together, you'll find a way, you'll find each other again." He said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you brother, you always help me, and you always cheer me up, I know you're right but I can't take her out of my head." I said smiling and scratching the back of my neck.

"Brother thinking about her isn't a sin, you can think about her as much as you want, that's what makes the person stay alive, just like mom, the more you think about her the more we can feel her and we feel her presence, as if she never left us, she's alive, we keep her alive." he said now with emotions in his voice, as a tear starts to roll down but I wipe it away real quick so he cannot see.

"You're right! Thank you William." I said hugging him.

"Now, I'll leave you here and I'll see you tonight brother okay?" he said smiling at me.

"Okay, see you later Will." I said smiling as I was looking at him leave.

I got prepared and I made my way to the Grand Opening where William was already waiting for me. We entered and as usual everybody applauded us, we smiled and started to greet everybody, that's when I see her, I cannot take my eyes off of her, she looks even more stunning than she did in the park, I arrived in front of her and she curtsied and said,

"Your Royal Highness." oh how that felt wrong coming from her, but how stupid was I to tell her my name was Charles. She'll never know who I am now. Harry real, think about what Will said, "if you're meant to meet again and if you're meant to be together, you'll find a way, you'll find each other again". I'll find a way.


She left, she ran away! How stupid was I? I blew everything away! I ran to the front door, cameras flashing me, I must look horrible but who cares! I could see a small figure in the distance and all I could think about was to find her but I could not run after her, my statue of Prince won't let me, so I had to do the worst thing ever, wait!

"Harry? What is this all about?" he asked me and I told him that, Ella, was the girl from earlier.

"Oh I see, then run, go after her, what are you waiting for?!" he asked smiling.

"Will you know I can't, Grandma won't be pleased." I said looking down.

"Who cares? Times have changed and a real Prince runs after his Princess no? That's the stories I always tell Charlotte." said William as I smiled.

"But eh wait look someone is coming!" he said making me look in the distance.

"It's- it's her!" I said my heart beating really fast.

"I'll leave you to it then I'm going to entertain everybody." he said leaving and patting my back.

I recomposed myself, I looked at her, she looked sad, she looked like she cried, I felt so bad. She then spoke up, and oh how I missed her voice! We then talked for a bit making everything good again, I felt better, and William was right! If you're meant to be together, you'll find a way, you'll find each other again, I think we just found each other again and I'm not ready to let her go again.

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