Chapter 26

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"YES!" Was my answer, I was so happy I hugged him so tightly,

"I love you." he said softly while looking at me in the eyes.

"I love you too love! I can't believe you did this, I'm engaged!!" I said happily turning to everybody and everybody cheered even the Queen smiled brightly. I was so happy, I couldn't believe it, obviously Camila wasn't really happy but oh...who cares right? Amal got up and hugged me tightly, I saw Kate tear up, she hugged me and said, "You're really going to be my children's aunt, and my sister in law, I'm so happy." she said while William hugged me too. His cousins Beatrice and Eugenie went to hugg me, they were so nice even thought it was the first time I met them, they were already being family.

"Congratulations, I'm happy for you guys!" Beatrice said, hugging me again.

"Thank you Beatrice, that's nice of you." I said hugging back.

I wondered around showing everybody this marvelous ring, it was beautiful, it's true that the ring is just material, the most important thing is Harry, our love and the fact that he proposed, but the right was spectacular.

"Now, now, how about we all go to bed and celebrate even more your engagement tomorrow?" The Queen said,

We all agreed as some were already asleep and some were still barely awake just like me, we all went to our rooms and I shared a room with Amal, I didn't want to share a room with Harry because I didn't want it to be taken as a lack of respect and gladly Harry understood.

----------------------------The next morning-----------------------

I woke up, thinking that last night was just a dream, but it wasn't I looked at my ring finger and saw the beautiful ring there. It wasn't a dream after all, I was going to marry a Harry and be a part of the Royal family. The most known family all over the world, even more famous than the Kardashians.

There was a knock on the door and Amal went to open the door. I was so happy to hear that it was Harry, and he was asking if he could see me and she let him in.

"Hello beautiful." he said happily coming towards me, kissing my forehead.

"Hello, Mister Prince Harry." I said getting up and stretching.

"So, today my grandma said it would be good to call the press and make it official." he said scratching the back of his head.

"Already?" I asked, I hate being in the spotlight and I hate having to talk to the press or any kind of people related to them. Ironic... I know.

"Yes, Grandma says it's better and you'll make an official entrance in our family and in Royalty. The people already love you Ella, don't worry they will be happy. You can be the new Diana I know how much you loved my mom and you are just like her, everybody loves you trust me!" he said taking my hand reassuring me, I thought about his words for a moment, he was right I could be the legacy of Princess Diana, I could pick up where she left off, not for the love, not for the fame, but for the people to help them the way she did regardless of what negative opinion people had on her. I wish she was there.

"Okay! I'll do it." I said smiling gladly, he was so happy he kissed my forehead I could see his smile, I was so happy to see him this happy.

"Thank you darling, gosh thank you, I love you I'm so happy this is so important for me. I really wished my mom would be there." he said looking down, I lift his chin up and said,

"She's there, she's there and she will always be there." I said touching his heart and smiling at him, he didn't say anything and just kissed me.

"So? I'm going to get ready and I will meet you downstairs at what time?" I asked.

"In 30min meet me in front of your door and I think Grandma's counselor invited all the reporters from all the country and out of the country to come so we will be filmed and they'll ask questions and we have just to answer them truthfully but it'll be fine." he said getting up and making me get up, hugged me, gave me a small kiss and then got out.

Amal closed the door and sat on the bed,

"So Miss almost a real princess of England, what are you going to wear, knowing that Kate and Diana both wore blue to their public announcement, are you going to wear blue too?" she asked smiling.

"Well, I wouldn't want to ruin the tradition." I said smiling, I was so excited to publicly announce my love for him.

I went to the closet and found the perfect dress, it was a baby blue kind of colour and it was just perfect for the occasion, it was plain and chic, and overall it was blue, not navy blue but still blue!

I went to the closet and found the perfect dress, it was a baby blue kind of colour and it was just perfect for the occasion, it was plain and chic, and overall it was blue, not navy blue but still blue!

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I went to the vanity table, sat down and did my make up, a really soft sparkly nude colour on the lid, and some nude lip-gloss. Amal then came and passed her hand in my curly hair and started to give it more volume. The ring never left my finger.

I heard a knock on the door and opened it, only to see Magda with a big old box in her arm.

"Miss, the Queen send me here with some of her jewellery for you to use for your public appearance." she said while putting the big jewellery box on the vanity.

"I thought that the Queen only lend her jewellery to official members of the family." I said perplexed.

"She does Miss but today she decided to break the codes I guess." she said, Magda was really respectful and would not talk more or badly about the family, she was really nice. Then she opened the box.

Once the box opened it revealed all the beautifully arranged jewels, and each piece were glowing so much, it was mesmerizing. I touched gently each of the jewellery pieces, and stopped at a beautiful bracelet, it was thin and simple. Tiny diamonds everywhere and it sparkled a lot. Then I spotted some earing, single diamonds.

"I think it will suit you well Miss." Magda said,

"I think so too." said Amal.

"Then I will use both thank you so much!" I said to Magda and smiled.

"If you'll excuse me." she said closed the box, took it and got out of the room.

--------------------------------------------10 min later--------------------------------------------

I was now ready and opened my door, Harry was there, he took me by the hand, we smiled at each other and we went downstairs to the main room, not sure if we both were ready for what was about to come.

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