Chapter 5

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We were back at the hotel and all 4 of us were completely full of food.

"Gosh my belly is going to explode!" I stated collapsing on my bed.

"Don't tell me about it, those sushis are delicious, I can't even close my pants no more look at this Bella!" she stated collapsing on my bed too.

"Can you believe how in one night our lives changed ?" I said staring at the ceiling.

"Tell me about it, I'm literally my best friend's sister, it won't replace my parents but they sure will fill the empty space my parents created when they passed." She said twirling her long blond platinum hair.

"Well I'm happy and I can feel that this is just the beginning." I stated moving to the side to face her.

"Well as long as I'm there with you sis anything can happen I'm ready." She said now facing me too.

We smiled to each other, then I stood up,

"Amal you still have your obsession on Prince Harry?" I teased wiggling my eyebrows.

"Well since William is married I had no choice." she said joking.

"But yes I'm still obsessed about him." she said making a psychopath smile.

"Well then I'm sure you'll love this." I said throwing at her a t-shirt with Prince Harry's face all over it and written on the side 'Future Wifey of the Prince'

"Are you for real?" she asked laughing.

"Yeah hahaha you can wear it to sleep." I said blinking really fast and then laughing too.

"Yeah why not, hey Prince Harry are you up for a sleepover with you future wife." she said talking to the t-shirt.

"You're creeping me out gurl." I said laughing then going to the bathroom to put on my pajama.

I came back only to see a sleeping Amalia with the beautiful t-shirt I gave her. I got to the bed then got under the covers, turned down the nightstand light and just said softly,

"Goodnight sis." then dozed off into sleep.

------------------The next morning----------------

"Why good morning sleepy head." said Amalia jumping up and down in the bed.

"Why hello to you too, and if you want it to be a good morning don't jump on the bed." I said half annoyed half laughing.

"Your mom, I mean our mom ordered waffles and eggs and chocolate and all kind of breakfast food." she said happily,

"Coming, coming." I said as Amalia went to the living room's suite.

"So, what are you girls going to wear for the Grand Opening next Tuesday?" asked my mom sipping a bit of her tea.

"Oh true the Grand Opening I didn't remember, oh well I don't know mom how are we supposed to be dressed like?" I asked as I see Amalia nodding agreeing with my question, since she had a mouthful of waffles she couldn't properly speak.

"Well most likely you need to go there with a evening dress, or what we call a gown." my mom said again.

"Doesn't this sound a little too.." started Amalia

"Extravagant." I finished for her.

My mom looked at us smiling then went back to reading her book when she said.

"Well if you girls want to wear ripped skinny jeans some boots and a coat in front of the Duke and the Duchess of Cambridge than do as you wish." she said a sneaky smile on her lips.

"I beg your pardon." Amalia said shocked, her mouth wide open.

"Mom, tell me your joking and tell me we don't have only 4 days to find a gown for the Grand Opening." I said looking at her eyes wide open.

"Well as you wish hunn, I won't tell you but everything you said is correct, now if you don't want to listen the good old tips from a not so young woman then don't, I'll have to call Valentino, Balmain, Donatella and other designers to cancel the meeting I've planned for this afternoon." she said standing up as Amal and I stayed mouth wide open and eyes wide open.

"Wait mom!" I urged looking to Amal.

"I think we can make an effort and go to this afternoon's meeting with the designers for our search of dresses." I said Amal nodding beside me.

"Oh how I'm happy to hear that darling, then it's still on, this afternoon, meeting, I want both of you all cleaned up and on your best behavior." she said kissing our foreheads and leaving the room.

"I can't believe this." I turned to Amalia.

"We are going to see the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, good lord may help us through this journey." she said already thinking if she'll have to bow down or call them your 'royal highness'.

"Amalia don't be afraid don't overthink just yet, we will ask mom and dad what to do, okay?" I looked over to her.

"Yeah, right okay yeah." she said trying to convince herself.

"Good, now let's get ready, hit the shower and get going and don't forget, let's be on our best behavior." I said mimicking my mom for the last part.

After that we hit the showers, made our make up, dressed fancy but casual to at least look good in front of the designers and when the clock hit 12:35 p.m. we went out of the hotel leaving my dad alone, and went to the private showroom waiting for us.

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