Chapter 42

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I woke up not knowing where I was. I then remembered that I had gone to my parents house, instead of being alone in Clarence House.
I looked around and saw that I had fallen asleep in the cinema room, I got up, stretched and took my phone.

I headed upstairs, the smell of delicious pancakes got to my nose and I instantly knew my dad had made his famous pancakes the ones he used to do when I was a little girl.

"Good morning darling." He said flipping a pancake, and smiling at me.
"Good morning dad, it smells delicious." I said sitting down at the table.
"Good morning love." Said mom coming in and hugging me. I heard coughing and looked over at the couch, there was Amal with a blanket over her and a whole bunch of used tissues.

"Amal! Hey what are you doing here? How do you feel?" I asked going over to her.
"Well can't say I'm feeling amazing. Been worse but definitely been better." She joked, and I laughed.
"Oh poor you. Since when have you been home?" I asked her taking her temperature.
"Hm I arrived early this morning I wasn't feeling too good yesterday night but thought that sleeping would make things better, turns out that when I woke up I felt worse. So I took the train and arrived an hour or so ago." She said sniffing between each two words she was saying. I felt so bad for her.
"If I can be any help tell me okay?" I said touching her hair softly.
"Thank you Bella." She said closing her eyes and resting some more.

I got back to the table and took my phone. 
I had missed calls, 2 from Harry, 1 from Kate.
I started to get dizzy, I had nausea without even eating and I felt like something was wrong all those calls.
"Excuse me I'll be right back." I said to my parents then going upstairs to my room.

I dialed Harry's number first but he didn't pic up, i tried once again and then just figured he was probably still asleep from working so late. I then tried to call Kate and she picked up right away.

K- "Ella, gosh it's so good to get a hold of you, I am so sorry about what the tabloids wrote."

E- "Hold on, what? what did they write?" I then felt my phone buzzing and saw that she had send me a picture, it was a picture of a newspaper with a picture of me taking my takeout at maze and then a smaller picture of me taking the takeout to Casper. Then in big letters, was written 'Trouble in Paradise already?' I was shocked and I couldn't believe it, of course I knew I couldn't escape the trash the tabloids make up, but I wasn't expecting that at all.

E- "I can't believe it! What is this?! I just got some take out and Casper followed me to make sure I was alright." I said holding back my tears.

K- "I know darling, I know, and I am so sorry, this is what the journalist do, they take your worst or simplest moments and turn them against you, that's what happened a while back to me when they started the rumor that me and William it was over."

E- "I am feeling so nauseous. It's a load of crap, what can I do? How can I tell them it's not true." 

K- "Well, you'll have to see with the royal publicist, everything will be fine don't worry, okay? Now if you don't feel good go rest it'll get better. I promise." she said trying to sound  reassuring.

E- "Okay okay, deep breath, it's going to be fine. We will be fine, thank you Kate for helping so much." I said, I tried to take a deep breath but I was still feeling so stressed. We said our goodbyes and said we would talk soon. 

When I hung up, I got up and felt dizzy again, just then my bedroom door opened up and I saw a worried Harry running to me and then everything went dark.

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