Chapter 48

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Making the announcement of my pregnancy was actually easier than I thought and everyone seemed really happy about it, unfortunately this happiness didn't last long, little did I know that an horrible accident would happen the day after the announcement.

I woke up feeling good and feeling Harry touching my belly.

"Isn't it amazing how woman can grow a little human and a life inside them? I find it extraordinary." he had a goofy smile on as I smiled too looking at the gorgeous man how still looked sleepy.

"It is amazing indeed, and I am so happy to be able to do it and carry our child." I smiled looking down at my belly.

A knock on the door made me jump and Harry told whoever it was to come in. Edgar, the secretary of Clarence House appeared in front of us, and even tho I didn't know him for long I could tell by the look on his face that what he was going to tell us wasn't going to be something good. 

"Your Royal Highnesses, the Queen is asking for both your presence at Buckingham Palace right now." with that said he left us alone to get ready, anxiety was building up and I could tell Harry was tense. 

I wore a simple baby blue dress that showed off my bump and some flats, he obviously wore a suit but no tie today. As soon as we were finished we went to the car and drove off to Buckingham Palace.

As soon as we arrived there, a sad atmosphere was sensed by both Harry and I. 

"Please right this way." A man led us inside and to the grand salon, everyone was there and some of them were crying, I instantly held Harry's hand tighter.

"Thank God you arrived." said William taking Harry in his arms for a hug.

"What is going on?" Harry asked as I sat next to Kate who's face was all puffy and you could tell she had cried. 

"Where is the Queen?" I asked super concerned about her.

"She is in her room she's coming shortly." Kate said to me, I had my hands on the belly and was rubbing it out of stress. 

About 10 minutes later, which felt like an eternity, the two big doors opened, and revealed a Queen all dressed in black. 

"Oh no.." was all I managed to let out as I started to understand the situation, she got to her chair and sat down, I could see the words couldn't come out of her mouth, she tried to speak but nothing was coming out of her, she took a deep breath and said of the most firm and steady voice I have ever heard in this kind of situation,

"Our beloved Prince Philip , my husband, has passed away during the night." she said, the room was dead silent, a tear rolled down my cheek as I looked down to the floor, I looked over at Harry and his face and expression were numb, William turned to face the window and cried silently. Kate took my hand and I started to cry seeing her cry. 

"Today we will mourn, Prince Philip Mountbatten, a man, a husband, a father, a grandfather.. he was so many things and had such a great life. We shall all take this day to be with our families and loved ones and eventually today or tomorrow we will have to make a public announcement." said the Queen, you could tell now that she wasn't feeling as firm and serious as previously. 

As everyone started to chat with each other I stayed next to Kate and listened to her talk about Prince Philip with Eugenie and Beatrice, I was saddened by the fact that I never got to spend much time with him or that he will never get to know our baby, but truth is, he had such an amazing life and getting to spend most of it in the position he was, was big.

Just then a snake came to spray her venom on me, 

"Light blue, for a moment like this you choose to wear a summery dress, the disrespect you put on this family, you didn't even know Prince Philip like we did, you don't belong here." Camila said, and as angry as I was and ready to take her down Harry immediately stepped in. 

"Camila that is enough! You do not talk like that to my wife and my child! Who do you think you are? You are the worst sort of people and you are the one that shouldn't be standing in this room. You disgust me." He said with so much anger in his voice I couldn't even recognize him.

"How dare you..." she started.

"Charles, if you can't control this wife of yours, you might as well leave too." The Queen said to them.

"But mother, he's my dad." Charles said not even protecting his wife. 

"Than she leaves, I do not need such behaviour today nor does Ella, the poor girl didn't even know what it was about, she couldn't possibly know that it was a mourning day and overall Philip always loved that color. Now you may leave before I call the guards." she said again looking straight at Camilla.

"There my dear, how are you feeling today?" The Queen asked me, I was speechless in such a moment she was still able to ask and think about others than her own pain and sadness, she was a real Queen.

"I am okay, thank you." I said trying to smile at her and she just put her hand on my belly.

"It's funny how life is, when one ends another one is being created." she was emotionless, I couldn't read her, just then William came to talk to his grandmother and I went to the bathroom, as I was feeling extremely nauseous. 

Once in the bathroom, I started to cry, so much, I looked at myself in the window and looked at my belly, I was so sad that my child would never get to know who his great grandfather was. 

As I was making my way back to the room I heard someone scream downstairs to let them go, I approached the stairs and peeked who was screaming downstairs, and there was Camilla in all her glory screaming for Charles to come get her and I couldn't help but laugh.

I went back to the room and understood that we were entering a really tough and hard moment for the family and possibly the whole country. 

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