Chapter 37

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I overthink, all the damn time. And you know about what?

About having to have a child as soon as possible, and a son preferably. This is one thing I couldn't cope with. Royals had to have kids as soon as possible. That wasn't really the conception I had, I want kids yes, but I want to spend as much time as possible with Harry just the two of us, and then who knows maybe in a year or so I could see myself being a mother because I want to and not because of the protocol.

Am I being selfish? Or is it just because I am afraid  of the one thing you do while honeymooning? I am still a virgin yes, our wedding night we were just too tired and ended up falling asleep, anyway, I always saw myself doing this with the man I would be spending the rest of my life with, that is just my point of view and I always worked by this rule I imposed myself. Of course listening to the boys in school talking about how many girls they were with didn't make me want to be another girl or another number on their list.

So yeah as it is my first time, I am scared. You's new and you always have those two friends one saying how amazing and painless it is and the other one telling you it was the worst. So I guess being afraid is part of the process. I have my mom's voice in my head telling me how communication is the key to a long-lasting and happy marriage, but how can I tell him that, he's already been so patient with me.

"Hun. what is wrong? You haven't said a word since we started eating dinner." he said worried, oops I must've been caught up in my own thoughts.

"Nothing," I smiled but then thought about my mother again, "well, I'm preoccupied." I said and he putted down his fork.

"Tell me, did I do something? Can I do something?" he asked taking my hand, while I tried to think about how and what to say .

"Well, tonight will be my first night ever... with someone." I said hesitantly and he understood immediately.

"you mean s-.." I cut him off and said, "Yes!" I look down at my plate.

"I'm kinda stressed." I said briefly smiling nervously, "I just want everything to be okay." I smiled.

"And it will my love, don't even worry about it okay?" he said understanding and rubbing his thumb in circle on my hand.

"And there's something else, probably the thing that I am dreading the most." I said looking straight at him.

" I don't really want to have a kid straight away, I want kids one day yes of course, but I want to enjoy our new life together only the two of us, and when we'll have a child I want it to be because we want it not because some protocol tells us to. I know we have rules and we have to live by them, and I'm fine with it or I would not have married you, but for this massive decision in our life I want it to be ours, not the protocol's." He looked at me for a long moment before finally speaking.

"This, right here is the reason why I married you, you talk to me, you tell me when things aren't going the way you want or when you have a problem. You don't want to have a child now? Then we won't, Ella, we don't live in the 19th Century, even tho my grandmothers makes it look like it. I don't want to have one now either, and anyway William is most likely the future king so we don't necessarily have to have a kid now." As the words came floating out of his mouth I felt relived, I knew I could now enjoy every bit of my honeymoon and my newly wed life, I was looking forward for all the charitable work, the royal trips and all that.

"Feeling better?" he asked leaning in across the table.

"Oh yes you don't even imagine." I said kissing him.

-------------------------------------------------the next morning-----------------------------------

9.30- I just woke up, next to a very sleepy Harry, yesterday night was amazing, better than I ever thought. After dinner we went to walk on the beach and watched the sun set, we talked about everything and anything, about our future engagements as royal couple, the hands to shake the  speeches to give, the round the world trips.

Then we went back to our villa and it became way more romantic, just the two of us in our bubble, everything seemed to go slower as the temperature rose. I had never felt love the way I felt it, and I was glad I kept this experience for this moment, and overall for this man.

I got up and putted a bikini and a robe on, I called the villa's cook and asked him to bring me all the ingredients I needed to make an enormous breakfast myself. Cooking being one of my favourite things to do.

As the cook rang the villa's bell I rushed to the door to get all the ingredients.

"Your Highness!" he said curtsying,

"Please enter and put everything on the counter of the kitchen, I will do the rest." I said rushing him to the kitchen as I wanted to prepare everything before Harry would wake up.

"Your Highness, I will cook if you please." he said starting to arrange everything in front of him.

"Jensen, really it is fine I really want to cook for my husband so would you be so kind to let me cook this morning please." I said smiling.

"As you wish your Highness, I will see myself out now." he said going to the door but not before curtsying again. I rushed to close the door behind him and started to cook.

I first made some chocolate chip pancakes with some Nutella on the side, scrambled eggs, sunny side up eggs, toasts, bacon some freshly pressed orange juice, some  potatoes and finally some avocado toasts with salmon and  poached eggs.

I was so proud of me I had everything laying on the counter on a massive tray that I wanted to bring to bed but unlucky I couldn't even take the tray since it was too heavy, I abandoned the idea and was about to put everything on the table for us, when I felt two arms hugging me from behind and a sleepy voice in my ear saying.

"Good morning princess, it smells delicious." then I think he opened his eyes because next thing I heard was "Wow baby! I'm not going to starve with you that's for sure!" he sat down like a kid at the table and looked at all the food with big eye and a big goofy smile, he took one mouthful of the chocolate chip pancakes and said.

"You're the best wife ever." faking to wipe a fake tear off his perfect face. I laughed and said,

"Hey you better save some food for me." I said laughing while sitting down beside him.

I felt good, I felt amazing, communication is really the key to any relationship.

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