Chapter 11

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That year, Sirius, Remus, James, Peter, Lily, and even Xenophilius Lovegood graduated from Hogwarts, and Pandora went into her final year of school feeling as alone as ever.

"Stay here alright?" Regulus said, lifting her trunk onto the storage rack in the compartment.

"You're not sitting with me?" Pandora asked.

"Sorry, my Dear," Regulus kissed her head, "the group is waiting for me."

"Of course," Pandora smiled.

"I'll see you later," Regulus said, closing the door behind him.

Pandora's smile faded and was replaced with a frown. The group. That's what Regulus called the gang of Death Eaters at Hogwarts, and as a seventh year, he was now looked up to as a leader.

It had been that way the entire summer, with the war getting bigger and bigger each day, Regulus was insistent on keeping Pandora as far away from the war as possible. Unfortunately, that also meant he was far away from her the majority of the time.

She twisted the engagement ring on her finger, it had become and anxious habit...reminding her that the war would end one day, they'd be married, start a family, and grow old together. Things would be like they always should've been. Just Pandora and Regulus, no war, no death, just the two of them.

She sighed, and leaned against the window, watching London quickly pass by.

"Are you alone?" A girl who looked about a year or two younger poked her head inside the compartment.

"Yeah," Pandora said.

"Mind if I sit?" She asked.

"Sure," Pandora smiled, "I'm Pandora."

"Adora," the girl smiled, "Adora Fawley, I recognize you...seventh year Slytherin right? You're seeing Regulus Black?"

Pandora nodded.

"Bugger, you must be all sorts of messed up in this war then," Adora frowned.

"Regulus keeps me out of it for the most part," Pandora said, "but it's only time until...."

Adora nodded understandingly, "is that why you're all alone? I figured Regulus would be with you."

Pandora nodded, "what about you?"

"My mates," Adora sighed sadly, "the twins—Raj and Aditi Patil—graduated last term, and the others...well it wasn't exactly safe for them to return this year."

Pandora nodded understandingly, "muggleborn?" She asked.

Adora nodded, "most of them, yeah."

"And what house are you in?" Pandora asked.

"Oh! Right!" Adora's eyes widened, "I'm sorry, I've totally forgotten how to properly introduce myself, I'm a Hufflepuff, sixth year."

"Nice to meet you," Pandora said.

"Likewise!" Adora chirped, "how was your summer?"

"Dull," Pandora said, "I mainly planned my wedding...there wasn't much else to do."

"Your wedding?" Adora squealed, "when is it? Do you have a ring? Can I see it?"

Pandora laughed lightly, extending her hand for the Hufflepuff to see.

"Our wedding is August 1st," she smiled, "right after we graduate."

"Oh, how lovely," Adora smiled, "something to look forward to in these dark times."

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