Chapter 20

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January 1980- Part 4

Fireworks and party horns went off around Pandora as she roamed the streets of Chinatown.

She didn't know how she got there, in fact she didn't know much of anything.

It hadn't even been an hour since she she woke up with her book on her lap, since she thought Regulus would be coming home.

She stumbled down the streets, unaware of anything that was happening around her.

She sat down on a curb, resting her head on her knees.

The darkness faded eventually, the sun rising on the horizon, it must've been at least midday before Pandora felt a hand on her shoulder.

She lifted her head and saw a shiny, red motorbike in front of her.

"Ma'am? Are you alright?"

She turned her head.

"Dora!" A man gasped.

Pandora looked up, Sirius Black was staring down at her.

She observed his face, her mind mentally noting the similarities between him and Regulus, her glance settled on his eyes and she starting to cry.

"Pandora?" He lifted her to her feet, "come on, I'm taking you home."

He held her in front of him on his bike, and carried her inside like a child.

"Sirius?" A familiar voice called, "why're you back so earl—Pandora?"

"I found her," Sirius said, "she hasn't said anything, I don't know what's wrong."

"She looks like shit," Remus said.

"Don't say that out loud!" Sirius hissed putting her on a small, leather sofa, "Remus that was so rude."

"I'll make some tea," Remus said, "do you think it was smart bringing her here, after all she is—"

"Oi, shove it, will you?" Sirius cut him off, "can't you see? Something is obviously wrong."

Pandora wordlessly reached into her pocket, pulling out the letter.

"Here," she said hoarsely, pushing it into Sirius's hands.

He opened his mouth to say something but decided against it, opening the letter instead.

Pandora watched his eyes scan the parchment, widen with realization and then glaze over.

He refolded the paper and handed it back to Pandora, walking away with his hands tugging at his long, dark hair.

"Pads?" Remus asked hesitantly.

"Shit!" Sirius hollered, kicking a hole in the wall, "shit!"

"Sirius!" Remus yelped in shock, "what are you doing! What happened!"

"My idiot brother," tears were now falling out of Sirius's eyes, "my brother—"

He turned around and took deep, shuddering breaths.

"Regulus is dead," Pandora said, new tears falling down her porcelain skin.

"What?" Remus gasped, "what happened?"

Pandora shook her head, "I don't know."

"How do you not know?" Sirius roared, "why didn't you stop him!"

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