Chapter 36

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"Mum, look, it's our star," Luna smiled, showing Pandora her easel.

"Very good, Luna," Pandora praised, "you'll become a great artist one day if you keep practicing."

"Are we going to the Weasley's for New Year's tonight?" Luna asked, washing off her brush.

"We are," Pandora said.

"Who else will be there?"

"Aunt Addie, Uncle Finley, Maisy, and the Tonks will be there, Nymphadora is home from school for the holidays."

"How old is Nymph now?" Xenophilius asked.

"She's seventeen," Pandora said, "remember, she's in her seventh year."

"Is she really?" Xenophilius's eyes widened, "does she know what she wants to do after she graduates?"

"Last I heard she wanted to be an auror," Pandora said.

"She still does," Luna said, "she said so in her letter I got on Christmas."

"Good for her," Xenophilius nodded.

"Can you see if Luna has a dress that fits for tonight?" Pandora asked, "I might run down to the village."

"I have my blue dress," Luna said.

"Luna, Darling, that one doesn't fit anymore," Xenophilius laughed, "you're growing, remember?"

"But it's my favorite one," Luna frowned, "Aunt Augusta made it for me."

"You can always ask her for another one," Pandora smiled, "I'm sure she'd be more than happy to make it for you."

"Are they going to be there tonight?" Luna asked, "I want to see Neville."

"We're picking up Neville at the hospital in a few hours," Pandora said, "he's going to be staying with us for the week while Aunt Augusta helps out at St. Mungo's."

"It's going to be crowded again," Xenophilius sighed, "it's always crowded during the holidays."

"That's why we're leaving early," Pandora said, "it'll give us plenty of time to visit with Aunt Alice and Uncle Frank before we have to go to Aunt Molly's."

"Will they ever get better?" Luna asked.

"We don't know," Xenophilius smiled sadly, "hopefully they'll find a spell to help them one day."

"I'll do it," Luna said, lifting her chin, "I'll make Aunt Alice and Uncle Frank all better."

"You have to go to school first," Pandora laughed, "but I have no doubt, Luna, you can do anything you want to do."

"I want to be a healer," Luna nodded, adding white dots to her painting.

"That sounds like a brilliant plan," Xenophilius kissed her head, "I'm going to go look for a dress for you."

He disappeared back into the house, closing the door behind him.

"Mum, why is there no snow over here?" Luna asked.

"I put a warming charm around the garden," Pandora hummed, "I don't like when my flowers die."

"I don't like it when they die either," Luna agreed, "I like being able to sit outside, it's not too cold."

"Are you hungry? Luna?" Pandora stood from her easel, stretching her back.

She had been painting a family portrait, it was nearly finished, Luna and Xenophilius's smiling faces looked back at her, she just wasn't sure where to start painting herself.

"No, I'm okay," Luna's tongue poked out of her mouth as she concentrated on mixing the paint.

Movement in the corner of her eye caught her attention and Pandora snapped her head around to see what it was.

"Luna, baby, why don't you go inside," Pandora said quickly.

"Who is that?" Luna asked, turning around on her stool.

"Mr. Dumbledore," Pandora said shortly, "how can I help you?"

Kreacher appeared by the old man's side, "Mrs. Lovegood, I believe this is your elf? Is it not?"

"Luna, go inside," Pandora said sternly.

"No, Mum, I'm scared," Luna whispered.

"I just thought it appropriate to return him to his rightful owner," Albus Dumbledore smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Thank you, Mr. Dumbledore." Pandora nodded.

"You can guess my surprise when I discovered it was an elf that had been watching me these last few months," Dumbledore chuckled. "I must say, he did a very good job, I wasn't able to find where he was hiding, I'm afraid he made a mistake today, however, that's what led us to this predicament. Mrs. Lovegood, why we're you spying on me?"

"Mr. Dumbledore, why have you denied my request for a meeting for the last decade?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I apologize, Mrs. Lovegood, I didn't deem it necessary, after all, I am a very busy man."

"What did my husband meet with you about?" Pandora asked, "the day that he died. What did you say to him about the horcruxes?"

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow, "Mrs. Lovegood, I'm afraid I don't know what you are talking about."

"Oh, but Mr. Dumbledore, I know that you do," she laughed dryly, "so I'll ask again; what did you say to my husband?"

"We just had a nice chat," Dumbledore smiled, "I assume you were aware of his changing opinions to the Dark Lord."

"As far as I know, his opinion never changed," Pandora said defiantly, "the only reason Regulus was a Death Eater to begin with was fault of none other but yourself, Headmaster. Can I assume that was planned too? Just like the murder of the McKinnons? The Potters? Sirius Black?"

"Those were all terrible accidents, Mrs. Lovegood," Dumbledore frowned, "if I didn't know any better, I would think you were implying that I had a hand in those incidents."

"Oh, you'd have thought correctly," Pandora said.

"Watch where you stick your nose, Mrs. Lovegood, you may stumble upon some nasty business."

"Is that a threat?" Pandora clutched her wand in her right hand.

"I would say you've thought correctly," Albus Dumbledore threw her words back at her.

"I think it time you go," Pandora said.

"Very well," Dumbledore shoved Kreacher forward and turned to walk away.

"Kreacher, go," Pandora ordered.

The elf disappeared with a pop.

"Mum..." Luna said again.

"Luna Noira, get inside this instant, I am not kidding around."

"Ok," Luna nodded.

Pandora watched her daughter run inside.

"Dad!" She shrieked as soon as the door opened, "Dad! Help!"

Footsteps were heard barreling down the staircase.

Pandora took a couple steps towards her house, watching her husband run to her, her daughter watching from the doorway.

She reached out for him.

"No!" Xenophilius yelled as her body hit the ground, "Dora! No! Please! No!"

Pandora Lovegood's spell backfired

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