Chapter 27

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July 1980

"We've got to go! Come on Sirius! The baby isn't going to care if your hair is perfect!" Remus yelled.

"I have to make a good first impression Moony!" Sirius yelled back.

"Where are you going?" Remus asked as Pandora came flying down the staircase.

"Alice is in labour!" Pandora shrieked.

"Really?" Remus's eyes widened, "so is Lily!"

"Send her my love," Pandora said, "tell her I'm expecting to meet the baby the minute they're out of hiding."

"I will," Remus said, "same to Alice, tell her we said hello."

"Will do," Pandora smiled, "I'll see you two later."

"St. Mungo's!" She yelled, throwing a handful of Floo powder in the fireplace.

"Healer Thones!" She spotted a familiar face as she stepped into the reception area.

"Mrs. Black," he smiled kindly, "how are you?"

"Good," Pandora smiled.

"And baby?"

"Good," she nodded, "I'm actually here because my friend is giving birth."

"What's the name?" He asked, pulling out his clipboard.

"Alice Longbottom," Pandora said.

"Sixth Floor, room six twenty two," He smiled at her, "it was good seeing you, Pandora."

"You too," she smiled.

"Pandora! Thank Merlin!" Frank Longbottom ushered her inside the hospital room.

"Thank Merlin you're here," he breathed, "my mother's driving Alice mad."

"Need me to get rid of her?" She asked.

"If you can," Frank laughed, "that might be an impossible task."

"Dora," Alice smiled, "you came."

"Of course I did," Pandora grabbed her hand, "how're you feeling?"

"Good," Alice hummed, "everything's numb."

"What do you need, Alice, Dear," Augusta Longbottom was pacing the room, "anything, I'll get you anything?"

"Actually, Augusta, if you want to go up to the gift shop, I'm sure Alice can use some outfits for the baby, didn't you say you forgot to pack some...Frank?"

"Oh, yes, right," Frank's eyes widened, "Mum, that would really be doing us a favor."

But Augusta was already out the door, mumbling about baby onesies.

"You'd think she's the one giving birth," Alice groaned, "driving me proper mad, Dora."

"Your husband told me," Pandora laughed, "I have something to tell you."

"What?" Alice looked at her expectantly, her doe brown eyes looking glassy.

"How many painkillers do they have you on?" Pandora laughed.

"A lot," Alice giggled, "come on, tell me your secret."

"I'm pregnant," Pandora whispered.

Alice's eyes widened, "from your one-night-stand?"

"From my one-night-stand," Pandora confirmed.

"Awe, Dora," tears welled in Alice's eyes, "we're both going to have babies?"

"We are," Pandora nodded, "and they'll be the best of friends."

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