Chapter 15

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August 1979

"Good morning," Regulus rolled over, pulling Pandora closer by the waist.

"Morning," Pandora yawned, settling into his arms, "what do you want to do today?"

"Stay right here and not move all day," Regulus mumbled, burying his face in her hair.

"We have to get up," Pandora laughed.

"No," he protested, holding her tighter.

"If you let me go, I'll make breakfast," Pandora smiled, turning around in his arms to face him.

"What breakfast?" Regulus opened his eyes.

"What do you want?" Pandora kissed his nose.

"Eggs," Regulus said, "and toast."

"Ok," Pandora smiled, "let me up."

"Fine," Regulus sighed, letting her go.

They climbed down the spiral staircase to the kitchen.

"Get me the pan," Pandora said, pointing to one of the higher cabinets.

"Yes, Darling," Regulus handed it to her and kissed her shoulder, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Regulus Black!" Pandora laughed, "I can't cook if you're hanging onto me!"

"Sure you can," Regulus rested his chin on her shoulder, "I'm not holding your arms."

"What do you think of me getting a job?" Pandora asked.

"I think that's a brilliant idea if it'll make you happy," Regulus hummed, "but you know you don't have to work a single day if you don't wish to, we have enough money to support us and any children we have for many lifetimes."

"I know," Pandora assured him, "I just like the idea of having something to do, nothing too much, maybe just a job in town where I can work a few hours a week."

"There's that lovely little bookstore," Regulus said, "and the paper shop."

"Yeah, I was just thinking about it," Pandora sighed as she cracked the eggs into the pan, "but I want to sort out the house first, I was thinking of making the third floor a library, what do you reckon?"

"I think that's a brilliant idea," Regulus said, "it can double as a study as well."

"We'll have the second floor be a guest bedroom," Pandora thought aloud, "the third can be the library, the fourth we can keep open for a nursery and then the fifth is our room."

"And we could expand whenever we need to," Regulus said, "if we ever need more room....and I want to put Quidditch rings in our yard—behind the gardens, and maybe a picnic table so we can eat outside when the weather is nice...I've never had a yard before."

"Sounds lovely," Pandora smiled, flicking her wand to turn the bread into toast.

She split the pan of scrambled eggs onto two plates with two slices of toast each.

"Bring this to the table while I make tea?" She asked.

"Of course," Regulus unwrapped his arms from her torso and took the breakfast to the small, wooden, round table in the corner by the window, "I have to go to Grimmauld Place this afternoon."

"Why is that?" Pandora asked, reaching up to a shelf to get two teacups.

"My parents said they had something to give me," Regulus explained.

"Any idea what it is?" She asked.

He shook his head, "no, I'm afraid I'm not sure."

"Ok, do you want me to go with you ?" She asked, bringing the tea to the table.

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