Chapter 19

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December 1979

It had been two weeks since Regulus was released from the hospital.

The two had attended the funeral of Orion Black, where close to no tears were shed from any of the attendees, including his very own wife.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" Pandora asked, watching Regulus as he cooked.

Regulus shook his head, "no, Dora, I don't want you to know."

"Whatever it is you can tell me," she frowned.

He shook his head, "don't worry your pretty head about it, Love, I'm alright."

"Then why are you meeting with Dumbledore?" Pandora asked, "why risk it?"

"It has to be done," Regulus said solemnly.

"Regulus, this is not fair," Pandora crossed her arms, "you've been like this ever since we got home and then Kreacher came back in hysterics and you've forbidden him to speak to me!"

"I'm sorry," he said sincerely, "but I don't want you anywhere near this."

"I'm an adult, Regulus Black," Pandora fumed, "you are my husband, not my father, this is unacceptable."

"Pandora you are carrying my child," Regulus protested, "you shouldn't be involved, not in your condition."

"Condition?" She laughed shrilly, "I'm pregnant! Not dying!"

"You are to be kept away," he said, "end of discussion."

"Will you stop being an arse?" Pandora groaned in frustration, "this is utterly ridiculous."

"Fine!" Regulus slammed the pan down onto the stove, making eggs fly everywhere, "the Dark Lord has split his soul, he's immortal."

"Immortal?" Pandora gasped.

"Yes," Regulus said, "that is all I am telling you, like I said, you don't need to know."

Pandora wanted to continue to press, to get more information, but the expression on Regulus's face made her decide otherwise.

"Very well," she said passively.

"I'm sorry, your breakfast went everywhere," Regulus held his head, a tired expression creasing his face.

Nowadays, that expression seemed to be a constant on the young man's face, making him look older beyond his brief eighteen years.

"It's ok," Pandora said, "I'll do it, you don't want to be late."

"I'm sorry," he apologized again.

Pandora stood and crossed the kitchen to stand in front of him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Hi," he whispered, looking down at her, a fond smile forming.

"Hi," she whispered, kissing him, "I don't like when we argue."

"Let's never argue again," he said, smiling against her lips.

"Promise?" She whispered.

"Promise," He pulled back and got his cloak from the rack, "Kreacher!"

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