Chapter 35

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"Shall we look at the moon, my little Loon?" Pandora pushed open the trapdoor, Luna following closely behind.

They sat on the roof, bundled in blankets, watching the stars.

"Why do you cry? Mummy?" Luna mumbled, cuddling into her side.

"You see that bright star up there?" Pandora pointed to the sky, "the brightest one that looks blue."

Luna nodded.

"That's my star," Pandora smiled softly.

"You've got your own star?" Luna asked with awe.

"I do," Pandora laughed, "It's a boy, he was so good, Luna, but one day he got so tired, and Mr. Moon loved him so so much that he took him to the sky to help watch over us."

"So it's my star too?" Luna asked.

"Yes, baby, it's your star too," Pandora kissed her head, "do you want to know his name?"

"Mhm," Luna looked at her expectantly.

"Regulus," Pandora breathed, "that's Regulus up there looking out for us."

"He sounds nice," Luna yawned.

"He was," Pandora smiled, "we would laugh and dance, you know, he's the one who picked out your name."

"My names Luna," she said.

"Yes, my Luna Noira Lovegood," Pandora smiled, "do you know what your name means?"

Luna shook her head.

"You're my black moon," Pandora ran a hand absentmindedly through her dirty blonde hair.

"What are you girls up to?" Xenophilius pushed through the trapdoor with a tray of hot chocolate.

"Mummy was telling me about the boy in the stars," Luna said.

"Oh, Mummy's told you about Regulus," Xenophilius smiled, handing them each a cup.

"I was telling her how he watches over us," Pandora sighed, opening her blanket for Xenophilius to sit besides her.

"He does, Luna," Xenophilius said, "he stays up there all night long to make sure no bad dreams get to you when you sleep."

"What about the monsters?" Luna asked.

"He keeps those away too," Xenophilius laughed.

Pandora rested her head on his shoulder and watched the sky, her cheeks turning red as wind blew by.

"She's asleep," Xenophilius whispered a whiles later.

Pandora looked to the little girl tucked into her side, her face was peaceful, her lips parted slightly as she slept.

"I'll bring her down," Xenophilius stood, scooping her off the ground.

"I'm going to work in the study," Pandora said, following them down.

"Dora—" he started.

"I can't have this argument again tonight, Xeno," Pandora sighed, "please."

He frowned for a minute but gave in with a sigh, "just—come to bed before sunrise."

"I will," she promised, pushing through the door to the library.

Three cork boards were hanging on the wall and papers and books were scattered everywhere.

Newspaper articles and cut out passages from books littered the desk.

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