Narrator: Part Four

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Welcome my dear friends, it is your mysterious narrator once again! You must be enjoying my mothers story, maybe not for long after hearing what is soon to come. It is time to catch you up on some missing information here. While my mother takes an evening out to get stalked in downtown Province, my uncle Koda takes the night to sneak out to a more pressing matter.

Backtracking a little bit here to our last meeting, where I explained that uncle Koda has two secrets he is hiding from the family. Well, it is time for me to give you the real perspective of my uncle. It is time for me to show you the real him; not fully because that is later to come. It is time to see what kind of person he really is. Maybe there was a future something that was so damaging to the family which was caused by him. Spiraling into a list of future events from this very night.

Here you have it, Secret Two:

Koda's POV:

Walking through the woods in the dark is not how I wanted to spend my evening, especially after having to do the same exact thing just last night. But it is the approximate time and date he mandated I come meet with him so urgently.

The demand was something I could not argue about, especially because he has had me on a tight leash ever since Ellie has escaped him first time. All of us are on a tight leash. My head is in his hands, their hands. If I didn't show, I'd be punished, and I can't let that happen right now.

I would do anything right now to turn back to spend time with my sister, after being apart from her for so long. Knowing where she is, so helpless, but I could not ever interfere or it would ruin everything I've worked so hard for.

Last night he sent me away freely, unknowing that my sister, and two of the other prisoners successfully escaped. Including Lynn, who I've met many times inside the man's disgusting prison. Funny enough to catch her on her escape out.

"You're late!" A voice booms through the forest, unafraid that anyone could hear us.

I don't bother responding just yet, as I proceed towards the back of the building. He holds a large key ring in his fingers, swinging them around like a toy.

I nod at him and he unlocks the back entrance that leads through a corridor of his men's offices...possible torture rooms. My stomach drops instantly while passing by him and entering the building.

His instant anger, shocks me to the core. He is furious with me and I know why. This is not good, but there's no way I will be able to flee if necessary. I prepare to get punished, to get locked up, to never be able to leave this building again.

We enter his office, and he slams the door, but I do not flinch, I expected it. He sternly perses his lips as he avoids any eye contact, "I know who you are to my most prised prisoner Elenor."

My sister is the master key to his plan, one I don't entirely understand myself. I stay silent, wondering how he found out my relation to her.

He continues, "I know because she told me. You are her brother."

That is a lie. Nothing more. I can assume somehow the word got out when I attempted at saving her from the Hunters the night they invaded our grandparents home. I remember telling Ellie that the rabbit had told me to come to her, I lied. I've never met him but she was dreaming of him. That's how I get people to believe me, I tell them what they want to hear.

I didn't find out about the Hunters plan to recapture her. I was told to assist, and followed the few men suit. I had not choice in order to keep a good reputation. My plans changed once I saw that Jane was missing too. Them taking my other sister as well was over the limit, thankfully she got free without them hurting her.

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