Never Trust The Silent Ones. CHAPTER THIRTY-SEVEN

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My second sleep at the Donnan Castle was much more successful than the last considering this time I'm not startled awake in the middle of a deep sleep by Romi. Awaking on my own today, I now feel as refreshed as I can get after having nightmares throughout my slumber. It always has stopped me from having a full night's rest; well, a full day's rest in vampire terms.

Those reoccurring nightmares have been fading and are less lengthy than before, but still, they're persistent. I expect them to terrorize me for many months to come. But as of right now I can't let the Hunters be my worries, I must be on point and pay attention to the present but thinking straight is not my strong suit.

Over thinking is the usual for me, but it makes my mind race. It's been something I've experienced for as long as I can remember when I'm anxious, but now since there's a lot of change in my life the lack of steadiness is throwing me for a loop.

My only alleviation is Perry, who magically calms my mind just by his presence. It reminds me of how his touch fixed my physical pain every time he was with me. Now I'm experiencing something similar, being the most sane when he's in proximity.

Right now, all I can think of are the Elder Vampires who've declared sending their decision through the mail was not appropriate. They're going to determinate the biggest news of Perry's life, which no matter what will effect mine.

Secondly I'm already skeptical of the Donnan Family, and that has kept me on edge enough. Now adding five higher ranked men to the group is going to make matters worse for my mental state.

I lay in bed worrying about the future and about Perry. Maybe I've slept in too late but with a pitch-dark room from the thick drapes, I can't read the old fashioned clock to see the time.

As I uncover myself, running footsteps echo through the hallways outside my door. I sit up trying to ignore that sinking feeling in my stomach. The person is moving with incredible speed and I'm not fully out of the bed before they're pounding on my door. Startled, I find myself standing at the end of the bed, letting the coldness of the wood floor sink into my bare feet.

Knowing for a fact this is not Perry, I tiptoe towards the door with hesitation refusing to unlock it. I stare at the handle for what feels like an eternity until the pounding again makes me jump and bothers my ears.

I catch my breath realizing I was holding it, "Who is it?"

"My apologies Miss Elenor..." I recognize the voice and go for the lock, "'s Romi."

The lock makes a loud thunk and I pull the door open a few inches. Through the small crack, I meet her dark gaze, her eyes appearing black. She's dressed in something that looks much fancier than she wore the past two nights, and her slick black hair is pinned back. She appears more intimidating than ever.

"We must get you ready immediately! The Elders have arrived."

My stomach becomes twisted up in knots, what if they take Perry away?

With that, she's barging into my room holding what look like boxes and bags of things that I didn't notice previously. She frantically places them on the bed.

Unable to see, as the door swings shut on its own I wobble around the bed, only until Romi notices and briskly lights the lamp.

"We've gathered some formal dresses for you to try on, you'll be wearing one today."

I'm overwhelmed seeing Romi acting this way. So far I have only seen her calm and collected; she acts like she has her ducks in a row and is always prepared. This time with her being the complete opposite, I expect to experience a sudden change in the atmosphere within the castle.

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