We're Here and Brought Friends. CHAPTER THIRTEEN

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Walking inside a strange home isn't new to me, but following behind Jane and into somewhere I've never been is still nerve-wracking. I'm already sort of uncomfortable in a group of four other people, I can't imagine what it's going to be like with six more.

I peek around the home slowly, seeing the dark entryway that leads to a kitchen ahead and a stairway to the right. Some heavy breathing catches me off guard and so while everyone else is taking off their shoes, I'm peeking to my left into the dim living room.

"That's just our uncle," Jane whispers from behind me, making me almost jump out of my skin.

I spin back around at her, feeling suddenly sleepy. I really am a bit out of it, aren't I?

The sound of plastic wheels against the wood floor makes me know the man has awoken and stood up. His footsteps behind me make me want to run away, as if I'm not supposed to be here at all.

"Jane, have you brought a whole crew?" His hushed voice makes me know he can't tell who anyone is.

I turn myself around again, letting the lamps yellowed light from the living room cast upon my face. My eyes instantly feel a bit too dry when they finally focus into view on a tall man with large brown eyes shining down upon me. I freeze in my tracks, suddenly becoming overwhelmingly frightened. I take a step back, bumping into a strong chest behind me.

"What's wrong Ellie?" Jane asks from over my shoulder as the man in front of us is entirely speechless at my sight.

The door somewhere behind clicks shut and I'm unsure why I've become so tense. With everyone surrounding me I feel so claustrophobic. I want to run but the next thing I know the man pulls me into his chest. At first, I'm hesitant and am about to pull away until I find my body relaxing, and a sensation washing over me like he was my own father. This time I embrace the physical contact for once in my life, finding the hug to be the most loving I have ever experienced.

When he pulls away he looks down at me, "How did Jane find you again?"

He's not in tears like my grandmother was but instead is holding back a smile. He has warm chubby cheeks like my grandfather but more rosy and cheerful ones. He towers over us like my grandfather as well but looks more stocky than him.

"Koda?" His face falls into a more serious manner. "What the hell! Where have you been?"

For once my brother behind me acts less mysterious, "Searching for my missing sisters, but you don't wanna know what I've been through."

Next, my brother is passing me and embracing him with a tight hug while he says, "It's good to see you, Koda."

Afterward, the man easily looks over my shoulder at the two girls behind me. I can tell they're nervous by their pounding heartbeats and sharp breaths.

"Who have you brought?" The man asks while directing us to step into the light.

One of them from behind me gulps.

Koda instantly speaks, "From what I've gathered they were heald where Ellie was. I found Lynn wandering the woods..." He looks back at her and she, who is now beside me gives him a shy smile of gratitude.

Jane adds, "Ellie and Estelle escaped into the woods and the spirit lead them to the portal where I was."

The towering man looks down upon us introducing himself as Marek Box, my uncle. As we walk into the living room I notice his eyes becoming droopy, as well as myself feeling like I could fall asleep right this moment.

The next physical characteristic I find about him is his brown hair, which resembles my brother's, though Marek's has light grey streaks in it matching his stubble on his rosy cheeks.

My Last Breath (Book one of The Portal Series)Where stories live. Discover now