Chapter 10- Feel What You Feel...

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Chapter 10- Feel What You Feel...

"Harry Styles, you get the fuck down here! And you better have that fucking girl with you, she ruined my curtains and I am not happy about it!" Louis angered voice rang through the small house.

I broke the kiss and tucked my head into Harry's shoulder, biting it to keep from laughing. "He bought those curtains?"

Harry chuckled and set me down on my feet. "He did, we went to seven different shops, too!" He rolled his eyes.

I burst into uncontrollable laughter. My clutched my stomach and double over. "Seven different shops?" I choked out, in between laughs.

We were interrupted by a furious Louis marching through the door. "I can hear you!" He whined. "How would you like it if someone ruined your curtains?"

The other boys popped their heads in the doorway, and seeing them reminded me that I needed to escape. I pressed on a fake smile, and took tiny steps towards the window.

"Hey, uh, what were you two doing up here?" Niall asked, raising an eyebrow.

I glared at him, he just smirked back at me. "Nothing." I replied sternly.

"I bet they were making out!" Zayn grinned.

All the  other boys laughed along with him, but Harry, had a light blush on his cheeks.

The mood in here was too happy, and I needed to fix it. "No, Harry was just making perverted comments, and forcing himself on me." I shoved past them, and over to the door.

Each of their mouths dropped, and as I turned around, I could almost feel Harry's eyes sending burning daggers at me.

"Sending me glares won't do anything, Harry. Unless that's another one of your retarded vampire traits?" I leaned my head back around the door frame.

Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Niall were speechless, but Harry was raging.

"You know that's not how it went, Bailey." He clenched and unclenched his fists.

I put my finger on my chin, and pretended to be confused. "Well, that's how I remember it."

In a small second, Harry was right in front of me, Zayn and Liam holding him back.

"You little bitch!" He spat.

I took advantage of Liam and Zayn's presence, and kept on going. "What are you gonna do, Harry? I got my personal body guards here, holding you back." I grinned and leaned back against the wall.

His green eyes disappeared, replacing themselves with dark and angry red ones. His skin flushed pale, and fangs poked out of his bottom lips.

"He's in vampire mode, guys! Help." Zayn choked.

My stomach started to churn, but I held my ground, and kept my confident face on.

Niall and Louis took hold of Harry's arms too, pulling him further away from me.

I had a chance to escape, all the boys had themselves quite tied up at the moment, and it would take a while to calm Harry down. My eyes flashed to the stairs, it was right there, sweet, sweet, escape.

"Don't even think about running!" Liam barked. "We can smell you across the city."

"What if I leave the city?" I snapped back.

Harry growled, and pulled harder, trying to escape their grasps. I stepped and back and hit the wall again, it seemed this guy always had my pinned down!

"As soon as you run, we'll let Harry go, he'll get you." Zayn panted.

"He won't kill me, he told me!" I replied.

Harry's eyes got darker, if that was even possible. "I won't hesitate!" He said through gritted teeth.

"Shit! He's strong, pull harder guys!" Louis instructed.

I started to panic. I pushed my self harder to wall, and closed my eyes tightly.

"Is Bailey scared?" His evil, yet low voice filled the room. I could feel Harry's breathe on my face, it smelt of mint, just as it did when I kissed him.

"Bailey, talk to him. Calm him down!" Niall informed.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "No."

"Please, we can't hold him much longer!" Zayn begged.

I looked at their pleading eyes, and then down to Harry's rabid ones. I took a deep breath before leaning in and whispering to him. "Harry, calm down."

He growled, and pulled even harder, stretching to get to me.

"Please, I'm sorry... Just calm down." I hesitantly put my hands on his shoulders. "Relax, it's all okay, calm down..." I eased him down. "Shh." I took another step forward and brought my thumb to his cheek, stroking over the spot lightly.

"Be careful, Bailey." Louis warned me, but I stood frozen in the same position.

"It's me, Harry..." I smiled lightly, which made him bare his teeth in return.

"You said you wouldn't hurt me."

That seemed to get his attention, his eyes instantly became lighter, and his flesh darker. His gaze dropped from mine, and he stumbled back in the boys grip.

I sighed in relief, and pinched the bridge of my nose. "That was close." I chuckled.

"Zayn, take her downstairs for a minute."

A hand tugged at my wrist, and I followed  the dark haired fellow to the living room.

I flopped onto the couch, Zayn following behind me.

We sat in silence for a couple minutes, until he spoke softly. "I have never seen anyone do that, talk him down like that."

I looked over at him. "Their not as special as me!" I grinned.

"No, I'm serious. That's how Harry killed that girl. The same thing happened. They were together for a while, and she got him angry. He lost control, and he weren't able to hold him. She tried to calm him down, tell him she was sorry. But, he broke past us, and he killed her, out of anger. He didn't come out of his room for two months after that, we finally broke his door down, and we found him on the bed, he was in desperate need of blood."

I furrowed my brows, "he would have killed me." I trailed off at the end.

"No, I don't think so." Zayn sat up. "He acts different around you, you don't see the Harry that we see."

"And who is that Harry?" I rested my chin on my hand. Where was he going with this?

"He a nice lad, sweet, kind, caring... Well, when he wants to be." Zayn added.

"How come he doesn't act that way around me?" I asked.

"He thinks you hate him. But I know he likes you."

"Zayn, don't be an idiot, he fucking hates me!" I gave him a 'are you kidding me?' look.

"No he doesn't." Zayn looked me straight in the eyes. "And I know that you don't hate him, either."

I scoffed, and rolled my eyes. "Shut up, I hate him with passion!" I clenched my jaw, Zayn was making me kind of angry.

"Don't lie to yourself! For once, just let yourself feel what you feel!" On that note, he got up, and headed up the stairs.

I looked down at my feet.

What did I feel?

Hey guyyys!

Did you like Harry's rage in this chapter!? I did!

By the way, this chapter is dedicated to @jainey

She told me that the only reason she made an account was to tell me how talented I was! How sweet! anyways, everyone go fan her, she deserves it! :) <3

30 VOTES AND 30 COMMENTS for the next chapter, pleassee.

Love you all, muffins! :) xx

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