Chapter 27- Think Back...

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Chapter- Think Back...

I sat in the chair, unmoving, and not blinking.

Harry had been gone for hours. We looked everywhere for him. My house. Their house. The boys even tried to trace his scent, but nothing worked.

I looked around at the bare walls in Harry's bedroom. How could I have done this to him? Why did I have to be so stupid? 

Tears started to pour down my face. I stood up, and walked over to his bed. I pulled back the covers, before climbing in, and hugging the pillow tightly in my arms. His scent flooded my nose, making me cry even more.

What if he never comes back? What if I've lost him forever?

I wouldn't be able to live with myself. The other boys would probably hate me too. After all, I was the cause of this. They would hate me for destroying their best mate, for making him disappear.

I was stupid, I was an idiot. I didn't know what I was doing.

Hoarse sobbing noises escaped my mouth as I cried into his pillow.

"Bailey?" A small voice whispered.

I recognized it right away, the Irish ring still stood out no matter how quiet he spoke.

"Niall?" I whispered back.

The door opened, and all of the boys, except Harry, stepped in.

"Are you okay?" Liam asked.

I shook my head vigorously. "No! I did this to him! It's my fault he's gone!" To suffocate my tears- and maybe even myself- I stuffed my face into the pillow.

I felt the bed dip beside me, and a pair of strong arms wrapped me in their embrace.

"It's okay, we'll find him." Liam cooed.

"You don't know that!" I snapped back.

"Yes, I do. We need your help, though." He spoke sincerely.

I looked at him through my tears, and furrowed my brows. Signaling my confusion.

"Where might Harry go? Maybe somewhere that you guys have been together?" He suggested.

"Well, there is a dock by the ocean that we went to. A maybe the mud pit that we got stuck in." I smiled at the thought of that day.

"Okay, should we check?" He asked.

I nodded excitedly. "Lets go."

We walked out of the room slowly, and made our way to Liam's car.

"Its that way, down the old road, and to the right." I told him.

He nodded back, and revved the engine.

About half way through the drive, I noticed that next to me, Louis' eyes were brimming with tears.

"What's wrong, Louis?" I took his hand and squeezed it.

"W-what if w-we never f-find him?" He cried. "He's my best mate, what if he's r-really gone? Like gone f-forever?"

Seeing Louis like this made me break, and again, tears poured out of my eyes. "We'll find him, Lou. I promise."

"You said it yourself, Bailey!" He snapped. "You don't know that!"

I pulled him close, holding his face in front of mine. I wiped his tears with the pad of my thumb, and watched as it skidded across his face. "I know I said that. But we can't loose hope."

He squeezed his eyes shut and put his forehead against mine. "You make him happy." He whispered.

I tried to force a smile onto my face, but it came on as more of a grimace. 

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