Chapter 11- Get To Know Each Other Night!

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Chapter 11- Get To Know Each other Night!

Feel what I feel? What the hell does that mean?

I scrambled of the couch and up the stairs. Poking my head in the door. The boys were all standing around Harry, looking down at him as he was sitting on the bed, his hands bracing him from leaning back. "Um, hey." I cleared my throat, making them aware of my presence.

"Bailey..." Liam greeted. "You can come in."

"I know that, this is my house." I snapped. I stepped into the room and crossed my arms. "Are you guys leaving any time soon?"

"Ha, no!" Niall cheered. "We're staying over, we're gonna have a get to know each other night!" He walked over to me and slung his arm around my shoulder.

I rejected immediately, throwing his arm away. "No, we're not! You guys can leave!" I stated. I knew that they weren't just gonna pack up and leave, they were going to take me with them.

"No! We want to stay!" Louis whined. "You can party with us, or you can stay up here and be a drag." Louis flashed down the stairs, the rest of the boys followed, including Harry.

"No! Guys..." I chased them down, only to find them raiding my pantry.

Niall was dumping bags of chips in bowls, Liam was turning on music, Louis was clearing a spot on my living room floor, and Zayn was moving all the food to the middle of the circle.

"Sure! Make yourself at home!" I yelled, over top of the music. "Idiots."

"Come sit, Bailey!" Zayn patted the spot next to him.

I slowly moved over to him, and lowered myself down on to the floor.

"Want a drink, love?" Louis held out two glasses. "Rum and Coke, or Vodka and Sprite?"

I grinned and took the Sprite out of his hand. "Thanks."

"No problem." He winked and sat down, too.

Once we were all settled in a circle, Liam started the games "Twenty-one questions!" He piped up. "I'll go first! Bailey, are you a virgin?"

My mouth dropped open. Liam, the 'responible, respectful one' just asked me that? "I-i..."

He started to laugh, "cat got your tongue, babe?"

Well, this was a different side of Liam.

"No, I'm not a virgin." I rolled my eyes. "Niall, are you a virgin?" I winked at him, making him blush furiously.

"No." He shyly admitted. "Um, Harry! When you were upstairs with Bailey, were you guys making out?" Niall raised his eyebrows.

I sent death glares towards him. "Anyone want another drink?" I jumped in.

"Don't try to change the subject!" Louis scolded. "Now, Harry, answer the question!"

Harry turned his head to me, smirking slightly. He grinned and sat up further. "No." He said simply.

My mouth dropped open. Did he just deny it? What the hell!

Harry got up and headed to the kitchen.

"Um, I'm going to go refill this!" I announced, holding up my drinks.

"Yeah, Bailey! Get in!" Louis laughed.

"Never! You gross idiots!" I fumed. My legs carried me through the doorway. Harry was leaning against the counter, his plump lips pressed to his cup. "What the hell was that?" I whisper-yelled.

"What was what?" He replied innocently.

"You know what! You just denied everything!" I flung my arms around, trying to make my point clearer.

"Yeah, and?" He raised an eyebrow.

I stared at him in disbelief as a smirk crossed his face. This was exactly what he wanted! He wanted me to over react. It was like revenge for him.

"Why do you care if I denied it?" He cracked.

"I-i..." I didn't actually know. Why did I care?

Suddenly, Zayn's words started to replay in my head. For once, just let yourself feel what you feel!

"I don't." I replied. "I don't care."

"That's what I thought you might say." Harry stepped closer. "But I know you care, you feel like me denying the kiss, is almost like me, denying our 'relationship'." He continued to steptowards me. "But really, that's what you did earlier. You denied it. Remember?"

 I looked down at the floor, shielding myself from him. "No..." I said quietly.

I heard him chuckle. "Again, that's what I thought you would say."

I followed Harry with my eyes, watching his leave the room."Oh, god." I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples. "I need a drink." I told myself. I walked to the bottle of vodka, filling up my cup three quarters, and adding a bit of sprite.

"Alright, what are we doing now?" I asked.

"Well, we are going to go home, and Harry, is going to stay with you for the night, Liam isn't feeling good, and Niall is tired, so..." Louis explained.

I was going to have to stay with Harry? God, no! "I'm not staying with Harry!" I shouted.

Liam came close and hugged me, I didn't reject the hug, but I didn't hug back either. "It's okay, love. We had a chat with him, he's not going to loose control. You'll be safe." He told me.

"Why can't one of you stay?" I asked. "Or why can't you all just leave!" I shoved him off of me. "Yeah, that's a good idea, you should all leave!"

"We agreed that you should stay here, and we'll take turns watching you.We can't just leave, we don;t trust you not to go to the police." Niall told me. "And don't worry, Harry won't hurt you, just, please. Try not to make him mad, okay?"

"No promises!" I yelled after them, as they walked out the door. "You guys did this to me last time, and look what happened!" I shouted again. I turned around to come face to face with a grinning Harry.


Heyy guys! :)

So how was that chapter? I don't know what I think of it yet, i'm kind of iffy on it.

I do like the conversation with Bailey and Harry in the kitchen though, I think she realized a lot. :D

This chapter is dedictated to... NotPerfectAngels, she is such a sweetheart! Everyone go fan her!!! :) Please, and thankyou!! :)

anyways, 30 VOTES AND 30 COMMENTS! for the next chappy pleaseee!

Hope you like it! :)


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