Chapter 25- He Gone On A Rampage...

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Chapter 25- He's Gone On A Rampage...

Tears streamed down my face as I neared the police station. "This is what you have to do, Bailey. The first part is already done, only one more step before those monsters are out of your life for good."

I took a look at my surroundings. It was late at night, the skies only source of light was the dimly shining crescent moon, and a few lamp posts here and there. I was surprised the boys hadn't come looking for me, it was hours ago that I had stormed out, leaving a broken Harry behind me. I took it as them saying 'Go Ahead.' or 'Do It, Tell The Police, We Don't Care.'. I had spent hours in a park, sitting on a bench crying. I had to keep telling myself that I had to do it, part of me was saying "You don't have to tell the cops, maybe the boys are just tired of all of your drama, and maybe they decided to let you go!" All the while, the other half was screaming, "They are tricking you, Bailey! They only want you to think that! They're hoping that you will decide not to tell the police, so that they can come after you again."

But finally, after hours of sitting on a bench, drowning in the rain, and my own tears, I decided to stick with the plan.

I was going to go the police. I had to consider every possibility, the boys were smart, they had to be planning something.

I pulled open the Police Station door, and marched up to the front desk.

A officer, in about his 30's, was standing by the Secretary, going through a file. "Um, can I help you miss?" He asked me.

"Yes." I replied.

He looked at me blankly, before chuckling. "And what can I do for you?"

"U-um, I n-need to report a c-case of..." I couldn't seem to get the words out.

"A case of..." The officer edged me on.

"V-vampires." I said shakily.

Him and the Secretary stared at me wide eyed, before they both burst into uncontrollable laughter.

"No! No, I'm serious! I have bite marks, I can show you were they live, they drank my blood!" I shouted at them

It was then I realized what I must have looked like. Tear stained cheeks, wet clothing, messy hair, smudged make-up.

In their opinion, I must have looked crazy!

"Please believe me." I whispered.

The officer wiped a tear from the corner of his eye, and began to speak. "Were do these vampires live?"

"They're at my house right now, my address is-"

I was interrupted by a very familiar Irish accent.

"Sorry about my sister, mates." Niall said, smiling. "She's been having some issues in the mental department lately..." He whispered to them, making sure I could still hear.

"What? I have not!"

"Ever since Halloween, when that crazy kid jumped on her, she has been seeing 'Vampires'."

The Secretary looked at me, sympathy clear on her face.

"Poor girl." The officer said.

"They have always been her fear, and I guess watching Dracula didn't help." Niall wound his arm around my waist, and began to pull me away. "Sorry about her, guys."

My eyes widened and I attempted to hold onto the counter, but it slid from my hands as Niall dragged me from the front desk.

"No, please!" I screamed. "He's one of them, he's a vampire!"

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