Chapter 18- Mud Fight

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Chapter 18- Mud Fight

I sat on the hood of the truck, my back pressed to the glass. "How you doing back there, Harry?" I asked him.

About ten minutes ago, he took a stick and stuck it in the mud to see how deep it was. Turns out the puddle was three feet deep, and since then, he has been fussing about having to go in and lift it out.

"Um, I'm good..." He mumbled.

I rolled my eyes, and hopped off the hood. He was being such a baby! All I wanted to do was go home, I had had enough of Harry for one day. I can't wait until I never have to see him again. "Just fucking get in!"

The corners of his mouth lifted, and his face now held a smirk, "that's what she said."

I grunted from the tiny bit of laughter that escaped my mouth, but then I snapped back into reality. "I'm serious, don't be such a sissy."

"How about you go in and get it!" He glared back at me.

I was a very competitive person, and this was a challenge that I was willing to except. "Fine, I will."

Harry's expression faded quickly, suprise was written all over his face.

I pulled off my flip flops, and stepped into the mud, the gushy slime slipping in between my toes, I wiggled them a tiny bit before stepping in further. The brown liquid seethed up my legs, reaching half way up my thigh, thankfully not getting at my shorts.

"Good thing I made you wear the short ones!" Harry exclaimed.

I chose to ignore that one. I dug my hands into the mud, reaching for the bumper of the rusty GMC. "Gosh, Harry! How did you not see this huge mud puddle ahead?"

He shrugged his shoulders, pouting his lip, "I said I was sorry!"

My hands found a good grip at the bottom of the truck, I gathered all the strength in my legs and arms, and I pulled up as hard as I could. I squeezed my eyes shut as the heavy weight lifting clamped at my muscles.

I gave it a rest, and let my muscles relax. I opened my eyes to see the truck in the exact same position as before.

Harry's laughter echoed throughout the country side, and he clutched his stomach and slapped his knee, begging for air from the amount of laughter rumbling up inside of him.

"Shut up!" I snapped.

His cackling slowed down a bit, and his raspy voice sounded, "good job, Bailey, almost there!"

I sighed and turned to him. "Why don't you just pull it out from the front, you idiot?!"

His green eyes circled before focusing back on mine. "Don't you think I thought of that? If I did, the tires would catch on the end of the hole, and we would either end up with no tires, or an even bigger whole in the ground. If we go from the back, we can pull up, and push out." He explained.

I stumbled my way out of the mud, "well then, get going!" I looked down at my pure brown legs that had emerged from the puddle of slime.

Harry took in a deep breathe, before pursing his lips, and taking a step into the mud. He winced at the sound of the squishing beneath him, but he let the faces go as he went in deeper. The mud was up to the middle of his thighs now, and he had reached the truck. "Ready, Bailey?" He held up pointer finger, and plunged it into the mud.

The truck squeaked and rumbled, but soon, the tires became visible. My eyes widened as I saw the small force that was lifting the heavy truck out of the mush.

Harry's pointer finger was still hooked under the bumper, he had pulled the GMC up so easily with just that one finger!

"Holy shit!" My mouth dropped, "how did you do that?"

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