Epilogue #4

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Epilogue #4

~3 Months Later~

"I'm nervous, Harry." I whined.

"Don't worry, my parents will love you, and hopefully your parents will love me..." He grinned.

"Yeah, but... I don't know, I'm just not so sure about this. I mean, Josh and I are still new vampires, what if we loose control?"

Harry pulled me into his arms and shook his head. "Bailey, both you, and Josh were fine when we took you into that coffee shop, and the restaurant. I think you'll be fine now." He laughed.

"Okay, I'm still nervous though." I looked up at him, resting my head on his chest.

"Don't be, baby." He rubbed his nose against mine, giving me an Eskimo kiss.

"Oi, love birds!" Josh yelled. "Stop macking in public!"

Harry laughed, and went to go help Louis, and Eleanor- Lou's new girlfriend- with supper.

"Shut up, Josh!" I yelled back, "at least I have a boyfriend! I don't see any girls crawling around you!"

The next thing I knew, I was being held in hostage position. "Say that again, Bailey. I'll kill you right here!"

I laughed and broke his hold, turning around to see him smiling. "You would never do that! You love me!" I grinned.

He smirked back, and pulled me into a hug. "Your right, I do love you. Your like the annoying little sister that I never had, and never wanted."

"I could say the same to you!"

Harry's voice rang in, "Josh, get off my girl!" I heard a large thud, and looked to see Josh on the floor laughing.

Harry slung his arm around my waist, and kissed me on the cheek.

"You should be telling that to her! She was all over me!" Josh said, getting off the ground.

I playfully scowled at him, before pulling Harry in for a long kiss. Our mouths moved together, and he gently tugged at my bottom lip. I gladly let him in, and his hands roamed down to my bum, where we squeezed. I let out a short moan, making the others groan in disgust.

"Ugh, there goes the fun." Josh muttered, walking away.

"Get a room! Do that somewhere else." Zayn yelled.

"You guys kiss too much, your lips are like glued to each others. It's nasty." Niall made a disgusted face at us, before blocking his eyes.

Harry pulled away, and glared at all of them. "Your just jealous."

"I'm not!" Louis jumped in, kissing Eleanor softly on the lips.

Our playful ways were stopped when the doorbell rang. "Holy shit, Harry."

"It's okay, Bailey. Just go get the door." He encouraged.

I stepped forward, and straightened out my red cocktail dress, before opening the large door of mine and Harry's flat.

My smiling mom, and my grinning father stood behind it.

"Mom! Dad! I squeaked. This was the first time I had seen them since I met Harry five months ago.

"Bailey, sweetie! You look great!'' My mom pulled me into a tight hug. "Did you loose weight?" She asked me.

"I don't think so..." I replied. That was always my mother. No filter, I still loved her to death though.

"Hi daddy!" I grinned, stepping towards him.

He pulled me in for a long hug. "I missed you, princess."

"I missed you too." I smiled against his chest.

"Mom, Robin!" Harry said.

I broke away from my dad, turning to see a beautiful woman in her fifties, and a man who looked to be about the same age.

Harry hugged them both before they turned to me.

"I'm Bailey, Harry's girlfriend." I held out my hand.

"We've heard so much about you!" Anne grinned. She ignored my hand, and pulled me in for a long hug.


~2 Hours Later~

I made small talk with Harry's mom and dad, while he exchanged conversations with mine.

I smiled over at him, turned back to Anne.

"How has my son been treating you?" She asked.

"Amazing, like royalty. He's the best boyfriend I could ask-" I was interrupted by Harry standing up.

"Can I have everyone's attention, please?" He asked.

I furrowed my brows at him, but he just smirked back at me.

"Bailey, c'mere."

I stood up from my chair, and walked over to him, completely oblivious as to what was going on.

He took my hand in his. "Bailey Michele Hillwood...." He started. "In these past five months that I have known you... You've taken me on so many adventures.  Your amazing, your so beautiful,  your confident, and you know what you want... Everyday that I've spent with you, I've fallen even deeper in love with you, every time I see you, I get butterflies. It's crazy, I've never felt anything like what I feel for you. I guess what I'm saying is..." He looked up, straight in my eyes. "I love you, Bailey. Will you please marry me?"

I stood frozen in time, my jaw dropped and my heart pumping fast.

A smile crossed my face as I recognized his speech. It was the exact same as when he asked me to be his girlfriend. The day that I left.

There was only one difference this time... I wasn't going to say no.

I nodded my head uncontrollably, "yes! Yes, yes, yes!

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