Epilogue #5- Caught You.

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Epilogue #5- Caught You.

Bailey's POV

-1 Year Later-

I sprinted through the woods, the trees coming and going in barely visible glances. I grinned and came to a stop, ducking behind the large tree. I bit my lip, and shut my eyes tightly. I had gone far enough, they wouldn't find me.

Or so I thought.

Josh landed in front of me, hopping down from a tree branch. "Caught you." He smirked.

"Damn it." I growled.

"Feeding time!" Josh grabbed my wrist, leading it to his mouth.

"Get off my girlfriend, fag!" Harry's voice brought Josh to a halt.

"Go suck on Louis, he's up in that tree." Harry smiled pushing Josh away from me.

"Yum." Josh grinned, running off.

"Harry! Your not supposed to fucking tell him!" I heard Louis strained voice, Josh had obviously got him.

I chuckled, wrapping my arms around Harry's waist. "Go Josh." 

This had become a tradition. The game. It was just a way to feed without killing, or hurting humans. Josh and I liked it much better.

Since there are seven of us, -excluding Eleanor, the human of the group- and seven days in a week, every night, one of us plays a seeker, and the rest of us hide. Whoever is found first, gets their blood drank by the seeker. The vampire blood took some getting used to, but hurting humans isn't an option anymore. I refuse to do it.

I haven't tasted human blood since the day that I almost killed Josh. I will admit, I long for the taste of human blood again. Vampire blood tastes so bland compared to it. It's almost like tasting a strawberry dipped in chocolate. Milky creamy chocolate, and then right after, eating a normal strawberry. The normal one tastes bland, it doesn't give as much of a pleasure to your taste buds. That's what its like drinking vampire blood.

"Louis, your yummy!" Josh teased.

Louis jumped up, wincing. "Dude, that's something only my girlfriend says."

Josh laughed, and gave Louis a pat on the back, before racing him back to the house.

I smirked, feeling Harry's lips on the back of my neck.

He flipped me around, pushing me back against the tree, before reconnecting his mouth with my skin.

"Harry." I moaned. I gripped his shoulders, feeling up his broad biceps. I moved my hands up, winding them into his hair.

He stepped back, catching my left hand and fiddling with the two rings on it.

I smiled, looking at the gold band wrapped around his ring finger.

"It's been over a year since I proposed, Mrs. Styles." He grinned.

"Yes it has, Mr. Styles." I replied.

I stared into his bright green eyes, the caring ones I had grown to love. Every day, every minute, every second that I spend with him, made me fall deeper in love with him. I was at the point where going minutes without him caused me physical pain. I had a craving for him, for his touch, his lips, his hands, his everything. I just wanted him. I was truly, madly, and so deeply in love with this boy.

He must have read my mind, because the three words I've longed to come out of his mouth were spoken effortlessly. "I love you."

 "I love you too." I bit my lip, trying to hold back the squeals that would slip out. Those small words, that held so much meaning, brought unbelievable joy to my heart.

"You loose." He suddenly said.

I furrowed my brows, completely oblivious to what he was talking about. "What?"

He smirked, stifling back a laugh. "One year, and three months ago, on this exact date, we made a bet."

My jaw dropped, and I laughed loudly. "You mean the one where we had to see who could put up with the sexual frustration?"

He nodded.

"Okay, um, first of all- I did not loose that bet! You did!"

He scoffed, letting go of me. "Says you! After I left, you fell apart! You were all 'I was stupid, so, so, so stupid. I don't even know what I was thinking all this time!" He mimicked.

"Hey, hey. You are forgetting about your little speech, that whole one where you asked me to be your girlfriend!" I grinned. "That's the reason you left, because I refused your offer! So, actually... I win!" I shouted. "Oh, and... You also drank my blood not even an hour after we made the bet, if that counts, then once again, I win!"

He bit his lip, looking at the ground. "Damn it, I forgot about that."

 I smirked widely, stepping closer to him. "So, what was the prize? You have to do what I want, right? For a week?"

Harry scoffed. "I don't remember anything about a prize."

I rolled my eyes, and stared at him, a blank expression on my face.

He looked back at me, a smile breaking on his face. "Okay, okay. You win. What's your first command, master?"

I lunged at him, a sinister grin crossing my face. "Bedroom, now."

He caught me in his arms, attacking my lips with kisses. "That's my girl."



A/N: Holy crap, its over guys. The check mark is officially checked. Meaning this story is over! Holy crap. I can't believe it.

I remember starting this story, and thinking- well, no one is going to read it, but I'll write it anyway... And look what happened! In the beginning I never even thought I would finish this, but I did! And now this story has over 1,000,000 reads, and this is all thanks to you guys! You are so amazing. I love you all! I would never have been able to write this story without you, your the best fans in the world! <3 Thank you for being the best fans ever, I love you so much! =)

Check out the sequel, 'Demon By Night', it's up on my page! ~LUCIA<3

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