Chapter 21- Look At Me!

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Chapter 21- Look At Me!

I stumbled in the door, Harry following behind you. In the car, I had regained a bit of my composure in the car, other than the fact that I was soaked, and my lips were swollen.

"Your home." Liam announced.

"Their home?" You heard Niall from inside the kitchen. He instantly appeared at the door frame, leaning his shoulder on it.

"Yeah, how was your day?" Harry asked them.

"Good, we just chilled. We were planning to go and get something to drink." Zayn stepped in.

"Oh, um, I'm not thirsty, you guys can go though." Harry winked at me, making me blush.

I couldn't help but notice the boys' tortured glances towards my neck. I slowly lifted a finger to the wound, you could feel small drops of blood still falling from it.

Louis appeared behind Zayn, his face looking more pale, and his eyes looking more red. His features were making me a little bit nervous, causing me to step closer to Harry, the closer his presence, the safer I felt.

When Louis' eyes caught on me, I froze. He studied me up and down, before stopping at my neck. A slight growl escaped his throat, and he took a small step forward.

My gaze met his, and I stared into his blood red eyes.

My insides turned, and I suddenly felt very attracted to Louis. I glanced over his fit physique, and attractive face. Without thinking, I copied his actions, taking a step forward, pushing Harry out of the way.

This gesture seemed to catch the other boys' attention. Zayn instantly catching Louis' arm.

"Shit." Harry cursed.

I couldn't focus on any of the others words, or pleas. I just kept on staring at the beautiful boy in front of me, a smirk crossed his handsome face, and he attempted to get his arm out of Zayn's grip.

"Come here, Bailey." His angelic voice instructed.

I did as I was told, not being able to disobey him.

The second my feet moved an inch, Louis lunged at me. Fanged barred, and eyes wild. I couldn't help but believe that he was still amazingly fit.

The room around me turned into kayos. Harry shoved Louis back, while Liam and Zayn held his arms.

I felt myself being dragged back, all the while I kept my eyes on Louis'.

"Niall, help her!" Harry shouted, his voice angry and flared.

"Bailey, Bailey look at me!" Niall's Irish accent rang in and out of my ears, as he pinned me against the wall.

I ignored his request, and kept trying to get to Louis.

"Bailey, your under mirror! Please look at me..." He pulled my chin towards him, but still, I refused to look at him. Right now, I found nothing more important than the struggling boy infront of me. He was scrambling to get to me, which I found endearing. I knew he wanted me just as bad as I wanted him. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't take my eyes off Louis.

"Bailey, look at me!" Niall demanded.

"Niall, hurry up!" Liam's voice was sharp and desperate.

"Harry, I can't do it. You need to!"

Although my eyes were still locked on Louis gorgeous face, I could tell that Harry and Niall had switched postions. I was now being held to the wall by a familiar body, I could tell by the way that my curves fit against his.

"Bailey, it's Harry."

I took in a deep breath, and tried to struggle past him. It wasn't working though, "let me go!" I demanded.

"No, Bailey you need to look at me, you need to look away from Louis. Your under a mirror, please, look at me." He begged.

I could feel a slight ache at my heart, his pleading voice was tugging at the strings.

I was under mirror, I needed to look at Harry.

But.... I couldn't.

Harry held me in place, putting his face directly in front of mine. I dodged his eye contact, and kept my orbs directed on my target.

"Bailey! Please! Look at me! Fuck!" Harry's strained voice caught my full attention.

I snapped my head towards him, an annoyed look plastered on my face. "What?" I snapped. The need for Louis that had clouded my thoughts seconds earlier disappeared.

He sighed in relief, and smiled. "Thank god." He pulled my body off the wall, and turned me around. "Do not look at Louis, okay?"

The want and lust that I had portrayed for him moments ago, gave me the suspense. I wanted so badly to sneak a peak at him. But I knew I needed to listen to Harry. I had been mirrored, and if I looked again, I would be put under his spell.

I nodded, unsure of what to do with my eyes now.

"Just look at me, okay?" He spoke reassuringly, answering the question that had puzzled me before.

I furrowed my brows as he lifted a wrist to his mouth, he bit down on the surface of his skin, and raised it to my mouth. "Drink it."

I shook my head, and turned away in disgust.

"Yes, if you have a vampires blood in your system, it keeps you from being mirrored, and it enables a vampire to drink your blood until its out of your system. This is gonna help the bite heal, too. Okay?" He pushed his wrist closer to me.

Hesitantly, I put my mouth on the exact same spot he had it earlier, and I sucked the bitter, amber liquid from his veins.

Hii, I know that this is probably really sucky, sorry for that.

And I know you probably don't want to hear this, but I really need to rant, and vent, and seeing the comments that you guys leave for me makes me feel so much better.

after I posted the last chapter, We had a family meeting,  and my mom and dad told me that for the last two months, they had been looking to see other people. Of course I was furious. It disgusted me. For the past two months, they had been sleeping in the same bed, coming home and giving eachother kisses after work! Everything that a normal married couple did, but yet, they had been seeing other people. They told us that they didn't want to hurt us, and that they just wanted to protect us. That was when I stepped in and raged. I yelled at them and told them that if they wanted to protect us, they should have told us the truth, or not gone on acting like a happy couple. After that I stormed into my room, and like an hour later, my brother and sister came knocking on my door, Emily was crying because mom and dad were screaming at eachother down stairs, and Mason had tears in his eyes. And Mason is the kind of kid that never cries, like never. I did what I need to do, and I went down there, and flipped shit at my parents, I said that they needed to start acting like adults about this divorce, and that if they wanted to yell at eachother, they need to do it somewhere else, becuase they were scaring my poor six year old sister, and they were making Mason cry. After that, I went back upstairs, and me and my brother and sister had a little bonding time, they all slept with me in my bed, and I made them feel alot better, I told them some of the things that you told me, and they felt alot better. I still haven't talked to my parnets since that incident, and I don't really know what to do, my parents are taking turns staying at a hotel.

ANyways, thanks so much for listening, you guys don't know how much it means to me, Its making me feel so much better, I love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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