Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"You did what?"

I set my fork down and looked up where Keros was staring at me, his mouth opening and closing, clearly at a loss for words. Seven was covering his full mouth, trying not to spit his food out on a laugh.

"I tried to interrogate him. It didn't go well," I repeated, in less words now.

"I'm surprised you're still alive," Seven said after he swallowed his food, "I can't believe he actually let you try to interrogate him, or even like, get on top of him. He may be on the quiet side, but he definitely isn't submissive." I glanced at him. Definitely wasn't submissive? That's not what he displayed in my room last night. In fact, Six displayed clear signs of being a submissive.

I didn't know too much about BDSM, just the basics I'd learned from my uncle Hannibal and auntie Akin. Perhaps it was time I had a talk with them about this instead. Of course, I wouldn't be using names or telling them that I was flirting with the enemy.

At the same time, there was a part of me that wanted to explore this. I wanted to see how far I could take Six, how far he'd let me go. He certainly didn't mind how far we went last night. Perhaps I could push the limits a bit further.

"I think I'm going to go visit Akin," I said at last. Seven looked up curiously.

"Why Akin?" He asked.

"Yeah, what's he got to do with anything?" Keros asked dryly. I cocked my head.

"I just had some questions to ask," I said, getting to my feet, "It'll be a quick visit. I have practice tonight." Seven and Keros shared curious stares, then nodded and thankfully didn't invite themselves to go with me, so I teleported from the restaurant in Atlantis to Akin's mansion on the hill.

I didn't bother knocking. Akin had told us it was silly to knock and to just walk in the house. I walked in and shut the door behind me, pausing to scan the house and listen to the silence, save for the soft sizzling of food in a pan. I followed the sound into the kitchen, only to pull up short to see Akin pinning Hannibal to the fridge, their mouths locked in a hot passionate kiss that left Hannibal melting against the fridge.

I cocked my head and cleared my throat.

Akin immediately backed up, and Hannibal arched his shoulders up a little bit as if to hide his face as he turned his back to me to go to the stove.

"Hi, sweetie," Akin greeted warmly, as if I hadn't just interrupted their moment, "Sorry, I didn't know anyone was gonna drop by today."

"My apologies for interrupting," I said, pausing to look at Hannibal, who seemed to pretend on focusing on the food in the pan, but there was a light pink tinge to his cheeks that was somehow adorable, "Ah, I was hoping to talk to you about something." Akin looked mildly surprised, then nodded and gestured to the dining table for us to take a seat. I followed him over and sat down.

"So, what's going on? Everything alright?" Akin asked. I nodded.

"Mostly. I just... I have some questions about sex," I stated. Akin's eyes widened for a moment and he glanced over where Hannibal had dropped something on the floor, then back over to me.

"Uh, okay, sure, what's up?" He asked. I frowned.

"There's someone that I... find myself interested in," I said slowly, watching Akin's eyes get wider, if that was even possible, "But I am unsure how to approach the situation. He's... submissive, I believe. He's not come out and said it. I feel he's unsure himself." Akin nodded in understanding.

"Some people don't really realize it until they experiment."

"So, perhaps he doesn't know, because he's not experimented before."

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