Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

I woke up to what felt like days later.

My body felt heavy and I felt drowsy, like I was waking from a heavily drugged sleep. I couldn't quite open my eyes yet, but I could move. My arms felt heavy as I lifted them to my face to rub at my face before they flopped back down on the bed. I groaned and rolled over, feeling a soft mattress dip under my weight. I felt my face slide against a satin pillow.

I forced my eyes open, then hissed at the bright lights around me. I turned my face into the pillow and waited a moment before trying to look around again. I flinched at the bright lights and struggled to focus on what was around me. It looked like maybe a dresser in a corner, a full length mirror, a door to a bathroom that was small, but had everything from a shower to a tub to a vanity.

Confused, I looked over at where the door to the bedroom was. I propped myself up on my arms, then stopped when I saw something trailing out of my arm. It was a tub that led to an IV. Panicked, I snatched it off my arm and threw it away. I scrambled to the edge of the bed and tried to stand up, but couldn't do it right away. My body refused to cooperate.

I looked down at myself for a moment, then grimaced. I was wearing some kind of white tracksuit. It wasn't particularly flattering at all. Not that that mattered. I shook my head and tried to rise to my feet again. I wobbled, but managed to stay balanced long enough for me to get from point A to point B; point B being the door. I took hold of the handle and gave it a twist, but nothing happened. I cursed and went to bust the door open, except a strange electrical pulse shot through my fingers and up my arms. I hissed and shook my hand out for a moment, then looked at the door knob.

What kind of enchantment was that?

I stepped back and put my hand out to the door with the intention to send it flying off its hinges, but once again I felt the warning of electricity climbing my arms. I shook my arms out, almost fell over, then hobbled back over to the bed to sit down. I leaned forward, my hair falling over my shoulder, as I peered up at the ceiling now, getting the strange sensation that someone was watching me.

Sure enough, there were two cameras in the corners of the room, a red light blinking slowly to indicate it was recording me.

I narrowed my eyes and threw my palm out at one of them. Despite the electrical shock that went up and down my arms, I used my magic. It wasn't much, because of the pain of the shock, but I managed to explode the camera so it fell into pieces on the floor. I dropped my hand and groaned in pain as the electricity pulsed through my limbs and into my chest. It hurt like someone had hit me with a thousand needles at once. I was left feeling tingly and nauseated.

Where the hell was I?

What was this place?

I studied the floor as I tried to remember what had happened before I passed out.

Three, I remembered. Three had shown up. He'd shown up to take me back to the Mother. Six had tried to get between us. Oh god, Six. He was bleeding pretty badly. Three's smack had the force of a thousand rhinos behind it, Christ. Was Six alright? Was he here? Where was here?

Okay, I decided, spreading my hands out in front of me to find some level of calm.

Relax. Stop panicking. Just take a deep breath. I sucked in a deep breath slowly, then blew it out gently.

Alright. I'm at a compound. That much was certain. The way it looked all stark like a hospital room reminded me exactly what Seven used to tell us about the place. Though, my room was larger than I expected and seemed to have a bathroom attached, while Seven had said there was no bathroom attached to the other rooms. Obviously I was receiving special treatment. If what we decided was the truth, and the Mother truly was trying to impregnate me, she wasn't going to treat me like shit. She'd want me to stay safe and well cared for.

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