Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

"Oh my god, Hadrian!"

I grunted as dad came sprinting to me, slamming into me and scooping me up off my feet, which wasn't easy considering I was quite tall, but he managed it anyway. Father was there to join him, both of them squishing me uncomfortably. Dad kept kissing me on the head and cheek.

"Oh thank the gods you're alright, look at me, are you hurt? Are you okay? Did they do anything to you? Do you need a doctor?" Dad asked me.

"Take a breath, Ambro," Father said, patting him on the shoulder, "He needs a second." He stepped back and took dad with him, giving me some space, so I could just smile at them for a moment before looking down at the ground.

"I apologize for lying," I murmured, "I didn't think it would turn into something like this. I just..."

"No, baby, you're alright," dad said gently, coming forward again to cup my face in his hands, "Lying happens sometimes. It's not okay, but it's not the worst thing you can do, okay? I'm just so glad you're safe and sound. Gods, you scared me to death."

"I'm sorry."

"No, don't apologize. Just. Let me hold you for a second, okay?"

I nodded and dad came forward again to wrap his arms around me, pressing his face into my shoulder. I put my arms around him to hold him in return. His concern was heartwarming and crushing at the same time. I felt bad for lying, felt bad for hiding things from him, so I didn't feel worthy of the concern, but at the same time... it was so nice to feel his arms around me again, so nice to have someone there to support me when I needed it most.

I looked over dad's shoulder where everyone else was standing. Amenti and Holly were grinning. Floki shaking his head and Wren rolling his eyes. Six and Three looked confused. Bait also seemed at a loss, standing with his arms folded over his chest.

"Okay," dad said at last, stepping back and pausing to give me a firm kiss on the cheek, "Okay, I think I got my fill... For now." I smiled at that, then looked over at the others.

"Dad, father, this is Six, Three, and... Bait," I introduced, "And Four is the one wrapped in the blanket." I looked over where Four was resting on a cot, still asleep. Nothing was waking him up now. I was starting to wonder if he was in some kind of coma.

"Oh wow," dad breathed, looking at each of them, "How old are you guys?"

"Twenty somethings," Three answered warily, "Who are you?"

"We're Hadrian's parents," dad replied, "My name is Ambrosius. This is Thorn."

"Are we leaving yet," Six asked, "Are we going to the outside world?"

"Absolutely," father said, "We're not staying here a second longer. Let's get together so we can teleport out of here. I'm tired of the jungle."

"Agreed," I muttered, coming forward. Father touched my hand and held his other out to dad, who held his out to Six, who looked at his hand for a moment in surprise, then carefully reached out and took it. Three also seemed hesitant, but he eventually took Six's hand, then held it out to Bait, who stared at it.

"It's okay," I said. Bait looked at me.

"You promised me food," he said.

"And food you will get once we arrive," I promised. Bait looked back at Three's hand uncomfortably, then slowly reached out to take it. Three took it firmly and looked at him.

"Hopefully we get a lot more than food," he said to him. Bait looked doubtful, but he didn't take his hand away. Everyone else came forward; Wren carried Four so Bait had to hold onto his arm awkwardly. Thankfully it didn't last long and we teleported right to Hades's home base in Hacian, which sat comfortably right between Hades and Hell.

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