Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

I was getting the fuck out of here.

I couldn't stand being here another minute. My guards hung around outside the room mostly, but Chloe kept coming in to try and convince me to wear their royal garb. I tried to flush it down the toilet and that only pissed Chloe off more and she brought more clothes in for me to wear, which I ignored.

Now it was a bunch of little things driving me insane. The fact that I couldn't change my clothes or wash my face or stick to my routine. It made me antsy and frustrated on top of already being pissed about the situation.

And granted, it was my fault in the first place, I knew that. I should have told Hades from the beginning, should have at least tried, but Hades was so terrifying when he was angry, I didn't want to see him destroy Six. And he would have too. The idea that someone was plotting to kidnap me was just the trigger Hades needed to kill someone. Relative or not.

At the same time, perhaps I could've convinced him otherwise. I could have told him Six was just a victim, not a criminal. It would've been hard, but I should've tried.

But I wasn't exactly in a position to be wishing what could have been done, what couldn't have been done. Wishing wasn't going to change the situation. Of course, waiting wasn't something I wanted to do either. I knew either way Hades would come. He always did. It was just a matter of when and could he arrive in time before I went insane in this place.

I was so afraid of being locked up again, that it actually happened-- again. One of the results I was trying to avoid ended up happening anyway. But again, I couldn't change what was already happening, so it was time to work with the situation.

I still had my little makeshift dagger from the toothbrush hidden in my sleeve, but it was hard to find an opportunity to use it. Tricho and Blake were guarding the door at all times, and the occasions where they came inside to actually check on me, they came together. I could probably handle one at a time, but two? I wasn't so sure I could take them at once with just my little dagger and what little magic I was able to use.

Which turned out to be controlled by a collar around my throat. A thin little thing that caused so much damage and sucked the magic right out of me. It reminded me a little of Alexion's god restraints, but I wasn't sure if it was the same design. Alexion's god restraints tended to be gold, but this was black naturally. I had no idea what it was or how it worked and what I could do to get it off. There wasn't a clip or anything on it. It was almost as if the collar had been made around my throat with no intention to be removed.

So I was trapped, magicless.

I needed to get the hell out, and while I knew Hades was coming, he wasn't coming fast enough for my liking. He was probably having difficulty finding this compound. That was what had happened last time. The compounds were extremely difficult to locate. They were scattered throughout the realms with cover after cover placed on it to protect it from outsiders. Seven had said the one in Atlantis had been using a steel factory to cover its tracks. What was the cover for this current compound? Was it the same one Seven had been taken to or was it another one? Surely not considering Hades had broken into that one already.

So where the hell was I?

A knock on the door made me sit up straight on the bed, but I didn't move, simply clutched my weapon in my sleeve as I leaned forward, watching the door open to admit the last person I expected to see right now.

Three came into the room, muttering something to one of the guards, Tricho, outside the room. He said something to Tricho, who returned his mutter before looking away. Three gritted his teeth, but said nothing more and came into the room, shutting the door behind him. I immediately straightened and prepared to make a run for the bathroom.

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