Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

"Hadrian... Hadrian... Hadrian!"

I snapped out of my stupor and jerked my head up from where I was staring blankly out the window. Behind me, Six came sauntering over in a pair of nice tight black jeans and a matching shirt with mesh sleeves. I would've preferred the torso to be mesh, but that's just me. He still looked gorgeous as ever.

"I was talking to you," Six said with a pout, "Didn't you hear me?"

"Sorry. Spacing out," I admitted with a shrug. Six cocked his head, looking concerned as he came over and got close to me, so he could reach up and place his hand on my cheek.

"Is it your dream?" He asked. I averted my eyes, placing my hand over his.

I had told Six and Three about my dream of the dragon, or rather, all my dreams with the dragons.

"That's so weird," Three had said when I brought it up at dinner not too long ago, "Dragon based dreams?"

"What could it mean? Have you always been psychic?" Six had asked. I shook my head.

"No. See, my grandfather Hades has this blessing on his eyes. It's genetic. I inherited it, but I only inherited the ability to see in the dark. Keros is the one who can see visions, not me... So I just don't understand why I'm seeing things when I've never seen them before, and why I'm seeing everything as dragons." It was puzzling. Enough so that I finally decided to get an appointment with Hades, at the request of both Three and Six.

"Do not wait any longer on this," Three told me sternly, "Tell Hades. Remember what happened last time you decided to keep your trap shut about this shit? The last thing we need is another person kidnapping you."

"If it's you, I don't mind," I replied. Three blushed.

"Shut up. Go call Hades."

And that was the end of that. Now, three days later, I was anxiously pacing the apartment as I waited for Hades to arrive. I wasn't sure what he was going to do, what he had planned, what he was thinking about this whole thing. I'd only given him vague details over text about how I'd had visions involving dragons. He'd told me in three days, he'd arrive at my apartment to discuss what he found from his research.

Dad and father had also wanted to be there, but I'd assured them Hades would give them an update when he was done.

We were running on a time limit today.

On top of the appointment with Hades, I also had a date with the Cousins, where I'd be bringing Six and Three for the first time. I was anxious about them meeting the Cousins more formally this time since last time we'd been a bit preoccupied.

There was a part of me that was excited to show them off. I wanted everyone to see what belonged to me, to see what became a part of me. Plus, Alaric and Stanton had told Wren to make sure Three went with us so they could get along better. Not that that was going to work out as planned.

"What am I, his babysitter," Wren had complained when I'd been there, "If he wants to come, he can come. If he doesn't, sucks to be him."

"Wren, we want you to get along," Alaric said gently, "Please. Just be nice to him tonight and keep an eye on him. Make sure no one hurts him."

"Oh yeah, someone's really gonna hurt him."

"You'd be surprised. Now give me a kiss goodbye before you go to work."


I smiled at the memory, looking down at my feet before I lifted my eyes to Six, who was studying me with concern. I reached up to brush some of his hair back from his face and he followed the movement with his eyes before looking at me more sternly this time, clearly not ready to let it go. I smiled lightly.

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