Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

"Absolutely not. No. No. It's not happening."

I sighed, reaching up to pinch the bridge of my nose before folding my arms over my chest as I watched my dad glare at me, putting his hands on his hips. Father didn't seem as peeved by my suggestion and actually looked relieved.

"I think it's a great idea," Father said, making dad look at him in bewilderment, "Hadrian deserves to go off and do his own thing now. He's lived with us for over twenty years now. It's time he flew the nest, Ambro."

"Hell no," dad exclaimed incredulously, "I just got you back and now you want to leave me?" I tried not to smile at that, because he wasn't angry so much as he was disappointed I wanted to move out for the first time in my life. It was sweet that he cared so much, that he wanted to be with me forever, and a part of me didn't want to go. I enjoyed living at home with my parents and sister. I enjoyed having breakfast ready for me every morning or having someone clean the house so I didn't have to do mundane things in order to further my career and personal hobbies.

I had grown a lot living at home, but it was time I got out of there and grew even further without the pressure of my parents being around. Don't get me wrong; I loved my parents. Absolutely adored them.

But I wanted to see who I was without them.

"I'm not leaving you," I said, making dad look at me sadly, "I'll always be with you. I just want to see what it's like living on my own, enjoying my own company, and seeing who I am as a person without any familial influence." Father nodded in approval, clearly understanding my argument. Dad looked at me like he was absolutely heartbroken. It almost made me feel a little guilty, but he knew he had to let me go, even though there was a part of him that ached to keep me with him forever.

Because in the eyes of a parent, it didn't matter how old you were; you were always their baby.

I loved that, but I also hated it. Because I wasn't a child anymore. I was an adult with my own personality, my own desires and my own life. I could make my own choices.

"But you're my baby," dad said at last, looking pouty. I smiled at that and came forward to wrap my arms around him. He hugged me back, cradling my head to his shoulder, his sigh long and ragged as he held me.

"I love you so much, beautiful," he murmured, "Just... Just think on it some more, okay?" I sighed, but didn't argue with him. I gave him a kiss on the cheek, which he returned, before I broke away to go have lunch. Father gave me a pat on the shoulder as I went by him out the door. I headed down the hallway to the family kitchen and was surprised to find Six in there, struggling with the coffee machine.

"What are you doing?" I asked. He jumped a little, as if I'd startled him, and he blushed lightly as he frowned down at the coffee machine.

"It won't spit out the coffee."

"Because it's not plugged in."

"Not plugged...? Oh, goddamn it," Six glared at the cord that had slipped behind the stove and yanked it out, shoving it into the plug in the wall. I smiled lightly at that and went to the fridge to get out some fruit to cut up. Six's eyes were on me the whole time as I brought my supplies to the counter and pulled a knife out of one of the drawers.

"Why do you only eat fruit?" Six asked. I shrugged.

"It's the only thing I know how to make, and it's easy."

"But you made me a fried egg."

"Barely. I did it based off memory of watching my friend, Remi, make them."

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