Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

"I'm going to miss you so much! Are you sure you're leaving? You don't want to stay maybe another week and think it over?"

"Ambrosius, let him go before you strangle him again."

I smiled through a grimace as dad squeezed the living hell out of me. He stepped back to swallow thickly, tears welled up in his glowing blue eyes as he studied me, reaching up to swipe some hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear.

"But he's my baby, he can't go already," dad complained, leaning in for another hug. I smiled and hugged him back, looking over his shoulder at my father, who simply shook his head and smiled anyway. Beside him, Lumen stood with her hands folded in front of her, looking anxious to give me her own hug as well. She had to wait her turn, though, because dad was all over me, even though I had two bags of luggage in my hands.

"Dad, I should really get going," I murmured, "I told Six and Three I'd be there around two and its already one thirty."

"I know, I know, just. Give me one more minute," dad said, wrapping his arms around me tighter, so I had no choice, but to drop my bags and hug him back or else I'd probably topple over. Dad rubbed his cheek against my shoulder and drew his hand up and down my back like he was cradling me, as if I were still his baby, and frankly, in his eyes, I always would be that baby.

He finally let go so I could walk over and give father a tight embrace that he returned fiercely. He gave me a firm clap on the back, then turned his head in and kissed me firmly on the cheek.

"I'm gonna miss you, Hadrian. Be safe. Don't forget to call or text. Hit me up on whatever social media you use, anytime, anywhere. I love you, alright?" He kissed me again. I smiled and kissed him back, then turned to Lumen, who looked like she was pouting a bit. I stepped in and gave her a hug, lifting her off her feet for a moment and she happily leapt up into my arms so I could hold her.

"I'm just a phone call away," I told her.

"You were just a bedroom away," she said in my ear, squeezing me fiercely. I smiled.

"We can still meet up, still hang out. Just because I'm moving out doesn't mean I'm gonna disappear forever."

"No, but something tells me you'll be gone for the first three weeks," she mumbled as I set her back down. I smiled, then let it fade as I leaned in close.

"And... ah, Five?" I asked. Lumen swallowed, forcing a wobbly smile, her eyes searching my face, and she kept her voice low as she answered.

"I don't know," she whispered. I wasn't sure I liked the sound of that, but I nodded because that was clearly all she knew. I gave her one last hug and went to get my luggage, only for dad to scoop me up in another hug. I laughed and squeezed him hard. Father and Lumen came over to join.

"Hey, don't forget about us!" Castiel exclaimed from the sidelines, jogging in for a hug. We opened up our circle to him, then to Remi, who rolled his eyes and waved his hands, but eventually gave up and joined our group hug. A collective groan as we all squeezed each other tight before we let go.

"You be safe," dad told me as I picked up my luggage, "And call me tonight!"

"Ambrosius," father scolded.

"Or text me! I don't care, just let me know you're at your place safe and sound, okay, baby? Please?"

"Yes, dad, I will."

I gave them a little wave before I teleported from my childhood home in Purgatory to my new home in Styx.

Moving was such a huge step for me. I'd lived only in my parents home, aside from that year in Hacian, my entire life. It seemed abrupt to move away, but it was something that had been stewing in my mind since Six mentioned it to Jo and Zeus about three weeks ago.

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