Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

This was not Six.

This was someone completely different. She was no small female; she was lean certainly, but she was muscular and tall, her hair hanging just past her shoulders, side swept bangs falling down the side of her face, her dark brown eyes watching me with killer intent.

"Who are you?" I asked. She cocked her head.

"Your demise," she answered smoothly. Her voice was husky and rough, but strangely soft and non-threatening, but they were at odds with her words. She reached behind her to withdraw a sword that gleamed in the lights overhead. The blade seemed to have words running along the sides, the handle woven in some shiny fabric. It was a uniquely long katana style sword, similar to my magic swords.

Of course, I wasted no time and summoned my own into my palms. Blue magic encased the long smooth blades with soft glowing light. The female paused to eye them, almost as if she were impressed by them, then quickly darted her eyes back up to my face, narrowing seriously.

"Could've sworn there was another one of you around here," I murmured. The female cocked her head.

"Sometimes if someone can't do their job right, they send in someone better," she responded, stalking towards me. I watched her foot work, watched the way she stepped on the sides of her feet, yet maintained perfect balance. She was always in a position to hop away from me, so she knew exactly what she was doing. The sword wasn't to scare me. It was her weapon of choice.

Unfortunately for her, the sword was also mine.

She moved fast. One second she was in front of me, in the next she was darting off to the side and coming at me from the side, swinging her sword around to slice into my arm. The way she swung the sword, however, the way it barely touched me, she wasn't trying to cut me open and kill me. She was trying to do the same thing Six had done; kidnap me.

I swung around and clashed my left sword into hers. For a moment, I swore her sword was going to break, and she seemed to wait for it too, her eyes wide in shock, her body rearing back, as if she fully expected the sword to break through hers and slice into her. Lucky for her, her sword held strong and prevented mine from cutting through. I pushed back and forced her back. She stumbled, then caught herself and came at me again, trying to aim for my sides, my arms or legs, anywhere that wouldn't cause too severe of damage. She wasn't going for my throat, my head, my arteries.

Again, this wasn't about killing me.

She was trying to subdue me long enough to kidnap me.

She came at me again and I blocked. It was mostly a game of blocking every attack she launched at me. I wasn't trying to hurt her. I immediately switched gears myself. We needed to capture her. If we did, we could interrogate her professionally and figure out why the Mother wanted me specifically.

With that in mind, I started to push back. I went from dodging and blocking to the offensive, swinging my sword around to slice at her legs, but she leapt up... and a pair of wings shot out of her back. I jerked my head up, stunned as I watched thick black feathered wings unfold from her back and catch her in the air so she was hovering above the ground, then she landed and wobbled a little, as if she wasn't accustomed to the wings being there.

In fact, she looked frustrated that they'd come out in the first place. She stepped back, glancing over her shoulder at the large black angelic wings that unfurled and beat the air for a moment before folding up behind her. She jerked her head around to glare at me, almost accusingly. Like she blamed me for the wings coming out in the first place.

"Beautiful wings," I commented, admiring the way they caught the light and gleamed. She paused for a moment, cocking her head as if confused by the compliment. She pursed her lips, then shook her head and drew her sword out in front of her again to challenge me. She wasn't going to be swayed by commentary. She had a job to do and she was going to do it.

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