4. Siblings

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After the first meeting of me and Iroh everything went fairly smoothly. It's been now 10 months since Ive been reincarnated here and I slowly but surely adapted to my new "me'.
Well.. maybe more like still being my old me just in an infant body. But that's just how it is now.

My plan was successful. Like a fool in love, the as we know: "wise uncle Iroh", has been visiting me on a regular basis. At least two times a week, he comes to find me.
Why I call him a fool? Because he sure isn't the wise old man we know in the series.
He's a bit more like...
Definitely not on Ozai's level of cray cray.. but let's just say, a few weeks ago, Iroh brought me the head of a Dolphin piranha as a gift, talking about "fine new room decoration"
I tell you, it is brutal out here.

I sighed.
Every normal baby or child would have started crying bitterly at this disturbing view. I on the other hand, thanked him with a big hug, hiding my disgusted look behind admiring how strong he is.

„Lady Azula you have a visitor" said my maid in a way more relaxed manner than only a few months ago.

A lot changed.
The servants around me, aren't as uncomfortable as they were in the beginning,
I already can speak pretty well despite my young age and even walking a few steps on my own isn't a big hassle for me.


SISTEEEEER!!!" The now three year old boy screamed excited running towards me nearly crushing me, as he jumped in my direction

„Carefully prince Zuko,
Azula is still fragile and you can hurt her easily"

Yes you heard right.
Prince Zuko.
This little monster came looking for me only a few weeks after Iroh and has been literally sticking to my side like an old chewing gum does under a shoe.

He wasn't necessarily the kind of "attention" I wanted to attract but it isn't so bad either.
He's a kid.
And a cute one at that, even tho he has no manners or tact whatsoever.

I never had a good relationship with my "prior" family. And even after being reborn and realizing where I am I didn't care about this one either.
But right now, I really feel like protecting the innocence of this cute little boy who's future truly isn't much easier than mine.

It's sad to know, that the environment of this broken family they grew up in, drove a wedge between those two.

A little girl who was blinded by jealousy of her big brother, for getting the love of their mother.
And a little boy who was ridiculed by his father, because his younger sister was stronger than him.

"Under these circumstances, I bet most siblings would come to hate each other" I thought deeply and hurt, apparently a little too obvious since Zuko flicked me lightly on my forehead

„What are you thinking about Sister!!
Mom said if people think too much, they get winkles and age quicker!" He said with a pure and endearing expression on his face.

The old Azula most likely would have been deeply hurt about this comment and her older brother, who has no idea about her pain.

I started to smile genuine, while patting his head: „Nothing I was just thinking Zuko"

„You are such an old grandma sometimes sister! I'm older than you! So stop treating me like I'm younger!" He said while pouting and crossing his arms in defense stance.

"What a brat" I thought while grinning at Zuko who is still pouting, which makes his face slowly turn read, because he why-ever is holding his breath.

„Of course you're my older and super cool brother" I cringed a bit saying these words out loud in a cute tone..
more than you can imagine.
For real.
But I don't feel like dealing with a defiant rascal.

Want a boy to stop nagging ?
Just flatter them. Age doesn't matter. Works every time. Believe me.

He stopped pouting all at once and gave me a proud look. Staying serious at a little Zuko who is already full of his false pride. is truly hard.

„I know!
You are right!
I am a super cool older brother!"

"Of course you are little brat"


Uhm hiii writing has been hard somehow. The words just aren't coming to me.
Please have mercy on me lol.

Planing a huge age skip soon as well.

Stay healthy and drink yo water child <3

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