The Poisoned Chalice 2: A Toast

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Elizabeth's POV:

          I sat in the dining hall and watched as the two kings finalized their alliance in the center of the room. Arthur and I sat next to one another at the head of the table, our hands clasped tightly together beneath it as we watched the two powerful men exchange words. After the two shake hands, Uther retreats to his throne-like chair sat next to Arthur.

"People of Camelot, for a great many years we have been mortal enemies. The blood of our men stains the ground from the walls of Camelot to the gates of Mercia. And though we remember those who died, we must not allow anymore to join them," spoke Lord Bayard. A woman with a large crate then approached Bayard. "As a symbol of our goodwill and of our newfound friendship, I present these ceremonial goblets toy you, Uther, and to your son Arthur in the hope that our friendship may last."

He handed the goblets to Uther and Arthur with a smile. The two honorable men accept them gratefully. They had them filled with red wine.

"And may the differences from our past remain there," Bayard said, raising his glass in the air. "To your health, Uther..."

The room stood from their chairs, raising their glasses.

"Arthur," Bayard continued. Arthur nodded his head graciously. "Lady Elizabeth.... and the people of Camelot."

"And to the fallen warriors on both sides," Uther added.

With that, the room raised their glasses and goblets in the air and as they brought them down to their lips, my brother came rushing into the room.

"Stop! Stop," He yelled, rushing to the center of the room. "Stop, it's poisoned. Don't drink it!"

He snatched Arthur's goblet out of his hands, moving to the center of the room.

"What," Uther asked in utter shock. Surprised that the servant would willingly interrupt such an important moment.

"Merlin, what are you doing," I asked, a bit concerned.

"Bayard laced Arthur's goblet with poison," Merlin announced accusingly.

"This is an outrage," Bayard yelled, pulling his sword out of his hilt, his guards doing the same.

"Order your men to put down their swords," Uther commanded, Camelot's guards coming to stand behind him. "You're outnumbered."

"I will not allow this insult to go unchallenged," Bayard yelled.

"On what grounds do you base this accusation," Uther asked my brother.

"I'll handle this," Arthur said, walking around the table to stand next to my brother, I follow behind him. "Merlin, you idiot, we've been at the sloe gin again?"

"Unless you want to be strung up, you'll tell me why you think it's poisoned now," Uther said sternly.

"He was seen lacing it," Merlin explained.

"By whom," Uther pried.

"I can't say," Merlin mumbled.

"I won't listen to this anymore," Bayard spoke angrily.

"Hand me the goblet," Uther ordered. Arthur took the goblet from Merlin's hands, handing it to his father. I watch as the goblet transfers from one hand to another, the wine ever so slightly spilling over the rim.

"If you're telling the truth," Uther said, addressing Bayard.

"I am," Bayard replied.

"Then you have nothing to fear, do you," Uther stated. Bayard retracted his sword, putting it back in his hilt. He then reaches to take the goblet, but Uther pulls it back.

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