The Gates of Avalon 4: Her Return

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Arthur's POV:

            I stood in front of my chamber window, looking beyond the palace walls, taking in the beauty of the land. My mind wanders briefly to when I walked in on Elizabeth painting the landscape she saw right outside her window. The way her nose scrunched up when she is focused and the way she smiled when she stepped back to take a look at her work. The giggle she tried to suppress when I encircled my arms around her waist from behind. The way she shuddered as my lips traveled from her neck to her jaw. The way our lips melted perfectly together. I missed her, there was no denying it. With a heavy sigh, I turn around, finding Merlin making my bed. Focusing hard on fluffing the pillows.

"I'm going back out to search for Elizabeth," I spoke.

"I'll come with you," Merlin stated, finishing up making the bed, the sheets straight and the pillows fluffed to perfection.

"No," I shook my head. "I need you to stay here." 

"And why is that," He asked, his eyebrows raising.

"Well, I'm supposed to be on patrol with the guard and my father this morning. So I need you to cover for me," I explained briefly. Merlin's eyes widened.

"And what," He breathed in annoyance. "Lie to the king? No, no way. He'll see right through me. He'll have me in the stocks quicker than you can say "rotten tomatoes"."

"Merlin, I need you to do this for me," I pleaded.

"I'm a terrible liar. I start sweating. My vision blurs. My brain stops working." he rambles, shaking his head.

"Well, no change there then," I grumbled. "Look I promise I shall return soon with your sister."

"No, the answer is still no," Merlin shouted.

"Look, I need to get my father off my back," I said with a sigh. "I can't order you to lie to the king. But you'll be a friend for life if you do."

"Go on then," He grumbled. "Go find my sister and bring her home."

"Thank you, Merlin," I said in appreciation, patting him on the back. I make my way toward the door, grabbing my leather jacket off the back of my chair. 

             My chamber doors fly open, revealing a guard standing on the other side. He was out of breath, his face reddened from the loss of breath.

"She has returned, sire," He breathes, his eyes traveling between me and Merlin.

"Whose returned," feeling a bit puzzled.

"Lady Elizabeth, sire," he spoke. I hastily look over at Merlin, who wore a look of surprise on his face. I then look back at the guard. 

"Where is she," I asked. 

"Her room, sire," he stated. I gave a quick nod in thanks, pushing past him and running down the hall to Elizabeth's room, Merlin following closely behind. A crowd of people stood outside her door; little Amelia, Gwen, Morgana, my father, and a few servants. I make my way over to them, Merlin walking by my side.

"What's going on," I asked, grabbing the group's attention.

"Gaius is checking over her, son," my father explained.

"Why, is she hurt? Did something happen," I asked, my tone full of worry.

"She's fine, son," He assures. "She's just in a state of shock is all."

"That doesn't sound fine to me," Merlin mumbled under his breath, only audible to me.

"What do you mean she's in a state of shock," I asked.

"She was not herself when she returned," Morgana spoke up. "I was in the courtyard when I saw her approaching. I ran to her side, hugging her, yet she did not react. She would not look me in the eyes, nor would she speak. It was like her body was her, but her mind was in another place."

"Whatever she experienced out there must have been traumatic," my father spoke.

"I need to see her," I stated. 

"Me too," Merlin spoke. The group spread out, letting us have a clear shot to the door. When we entered, Gaius was packing up his supplies. Elizabeth sat behind him in a cushioned chair, her eyes focused on the fireplace.

"Elizabeth," Merlin said, sighing in relief. He made his way over to his sister crouching before her. I watched intently, waiting for her to react, to jump into his arms and cry with joy. But she remained unmoving and unfazed.

"Gaius," I spoke, causing the physician to look up at me. "What's wrong with her?"

"Nothing, sire," he stated. "From what I can tell she's perfectly fine. Just in shock."

"So what do we do," I asked, hoping that there was a way to help her.

"Let her rest," He stated. "Be there for her when she needs you."

            I nod in understanding. I then step out of the doorway, allowing the physician to exit the room. I then returned my gaze to the two siblings. Merlin was trying hard to get his sister to talk to him, let alone look at him. Yet, it was no use, her face stayed blank. I made my way over to the two, crouching at Elizabeth's side, taking her hand that rested on the armchair.

"Elizabeth," I whispered, waiting for a reaction that would never come. With a sigh, I rose from my crotched position next to her. "Come on, Merlin."

"I wish to stay with her," He stated, not taking his eyes off his sister. 

"Give her space and time. She will come back to us," I spoke softly. Merlin sighed, nodding in agreement. He rose from his crouched position in front of his sister, gently placing a kiss on her head and making his way out of her room. I followed after him, looking back at Elizabeth once more. She was here, she had finally returned home. And yet, there was a part of her that was still missing. Her body may have returned to Camelot, but her mind and soul were elsewhere. 

            I exited Elizabeth's chambers, closing the door gently behind me. The crowd of people that were standing outside her door just moments before were now gone. I came to the conclusion that with Elizabeth now here, I might as well go on patrol with my father. So, with a groan of annoyance I set out to do just that.

Written Destinies (Arthur Pendragon)Where stories live. Discover now