The Poison Chalice: Race Against the Clock

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Arthur's POV:

            I raced back to Camelot, riding through the fields, through the woods, the wind flowing through my blonde hair. The cool breeze hitting my skin, causing it to turn red. I got to Camelot faster than I ever thought was possible. I entered the gates of Camelot, faster than a flying arrow. I raced passed the guards, not giving them time to register it was me. I raced to the castle courtyard, where I jumped off my horse and bolted for the Physician's chambers. When I got there, I didn't even knock, I barged through the door, everyone's surprised eyes meeting mine.

"Did you get it," Gaius asked, walking over to meet me halfway. I fished out the Mortaeus flower from my small bag, handing it to Gaius, who rushed to his workbench to hurry and make the cure.

"How is she," I asked, sounding a bit out of breath. I race to Ellie's bedside, finding her gasping for air, her eyes shut, her face pale. 

"It's not good," Merlin assured me. I took one of Ellie's hands in mine, stroking the back of it with my thumb in a soothing way.

"Her breathing is much worse," Gaius spoke, grinding the flower with some other ingredients. He then looked up in realization, making eye contact with me.

"What is it," I asked, my voice sounding shaky. "Why have you stopped?"

"The poison was created using magic," Gaius states softly. "We may need magic to make the antidote."

"But we can't," Merlin spoke up. "It's forbidden, even if we could."

"I'll try and make it work without," He said, sounding like it was hopeless. I thought for a moment, wanting nothing more than for this potion to work.

"Do it," I state sharply, grabbing everyone's attention. "Use magic. Use magic and save her."

"But sire," Gaius began.

"I give you permission to do it," I spoke harshly, my voice becoming louder with every passing second. Gaius nods, taking the bowl of the antidote into his hands. He holds it out before him, closing his eyes.

"Seta," he began, opening his eyes to look at me once more for reassurance. I nod to instruct him to continue. "Satha, el betweth, esafa twentho.... denoma eftactom, elosoment glass ebatenem."

            His eyes opened after he had finished the incantation. His eyes look down at the bubbling antidote in front of him, the contents of it stilling. He then poured the contents into a small vile, hurriedly making his way over to me and the motionless Elizabeth. He pinched Elizabeth's nose,  holding the antidote to her lips.

"Swallow, Elizabeth," Gaius instructed the girl. "Swallow it."

            He then pulled the empty vile away from her lips, waiting for a change in her appearance. We waited in silence, yet nothing happened. Her once tan complexion was still white as snow. Her rose-colored lips still had a small tint of blue to them. Her uneven breathing which once kept me calm stopped abruptly.

"She's stopped breathing," Merlin observed, his voice a bit shaky. "What's happening?"

"No," I breathed out, the word only audible to me. "No, I got back in time. I made it back in time."

"Gaius," Merlin whimpered, looking up to the physician. Gaius placed his ear against Elizabeth's chest, searching for a heartbeat. 

"Her heart has stopped," Gaius states sadly. 

"She's dead," Merlin cried.

"She can't be," Gaius spoke softly. "It can't be."

"It's my fault," I cried, taking the motionless girl into my arms. Her head falling  limply against my chest. "If I had got here sooner--- If I'd have been quicker---."

"No, no," Gaius whispers, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. "You did all you could. We'll leave you here with her."

            With that, Gaius took hold of the sobbing Merlin, guiding him out of the room and away from his sister.

"Elizabeth," I called, gently moving a strand of hair out of her face. Her features were so calm, so peaceful. "Ellie."

             I gently pressed my lips to her brow, tears slowly cascading down my face. I then placed my forehead against her, shutting my eyes. Praying to God that this was just a dream, that I would open my eyes and Ellie would be okay.

"Ellie, please come back to me," I whispered, my bottom lip trembling with every shaky breath I took in. Suddenly, I felt Ellie stir. I quickly pulled back, my eyes widening. I watched as Elizabeth's eyes fluttered open, revealing her beautiful hazel orbs. A soft, sweet smile spread across her lips at the sight of me.

"Arty," She spoke softly. Calling me the name she used to call me when we were kids. "Why are you crying." 

          She gently reached a hand up to cup my cheek, I took in mine, holding it there for reassurance. Needing to feel her touch to reassure me that this was real and not a figure of my imagination. 

"You really need to stop doing this you know," I spoke softly, causing her to grin.

"Doing what," She asked playfully. 

"Almost dying and scaring me to death," I state.

"But if I don't do it... Then who will," She asked, her lips curling. I stared into her eyes, my hand brushing through her curly brunette hair. 

"I never thought of you as the damsel in distress type," I add, causing her to chuckle.

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me. Being saved from time to time gives me a bit of a rush," She explains jokingly. My eyes still bore into hers, then shift to her lips, then back up to her. I slowly begin to lean in, my hand still racking through her thick hair. I watch as she realizes what I'm about to do, giving me a nod as if to say "do it", but before my lips are able to meet hers the door is opened, revealing a still crying Merlin and Gaius.

"Elizabeth," Merlin exclaimed, rushing over to the opposite side of the cot and embracing his sister. I looked at Gaius who wore a joyful grin on his face, happy to see Merlin happy and happy to see the girl who he thought of as a daughter, alive and well.

Written Destinies (Arthur Pendragon)Where stories live. Discover now