A Remedy To Cure All Ills 5: Haunting Dreams

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Elizabeths POV:

            I tried to search my surroundings, yet only a void of darkness surrounded me. The sound of heavy horse hooves pounding against a stone floor fills my ears, like steady drums taking over the darkness of the night. Terror-filled screams of women, men, and children harmonized with the steady booming. Swords clashing together, the sparks created by contact lighting up the dark void. I covered my ears, in hopes to block out the growing commotion, yet it continues to get louder and louder. I felt a looming presence behind me. Turning around I am surprised to find a young girl, no older than five looking up at me. Her eyes filled with tears, her lip quivering. 

            I took a step towards her, only to jump back in fear as the darkness bursts into flames. That's when everything around me becomes clear. I am no longer in darkness but in a burning kingdom. People running around frantically in an attempt to escape the flames that enveloped their homes. Children screaming for their mothers, their faces red from screaming. Men carrying pails of water trying to save what they can. Knights fighting against what appeared to be the ravagers, their swords clashing together. Yet, through all the commotion going on around us, the little girl before me stood utterly still. Yet her appearance was different. She was no longer crying, her once hazel eyes now glowed gold. Her hands glowing with flames, yet she wasn't burning, she was controlling it.

"It was all your fault," She spoke, the flames in her hands growing taller and taller. 

            My eyes then catch a glimmer of gold hanging on her neck. A pendant, sparkling in the presence of the flames. My eyes widen on closer inspection of the pendant. My pendant.

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            I jolt awake, my face wet with tears. My heart, pounding rapidly in my chest. My breath escaping me in short gasps. I throw off the covers, my bare feet making contact with the cold stone floor. I rush over to my washroom, splashing my face with water from the wash bowl. I looked up into the mirror, a cry escaping my lips. There in the mirror looking back at me were a pair of glowing gold eyes, my eyes. 

            I squeezed my eyes shut, counting to ten, then open them again, yet I was met with the same flaming gold just like before. A whimper escapes my lips as my eyes fill with tears. I looked down, becoming dizzy at what I saw. For there, in the palms of my hands, were dancing flames. I tried to shake the flames off, in hopes to extinguish them, yet it was no use. Black spots slowly cloud my vision, the last thing I see is my glowing gold eyes. Then the darkness returns.

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Arthur's POV:

            I was awakened by a soft cry, followed by quiet whimpers. Rubbing my eyes I rise from my bed. A shiver runs through me after leaving the comfort of my warm sheets. I grab my sword, wanting to be prepared for what I might find. I exit my chambers, making my way down the empty hall, the soft whimpers guiding me to Elizabeth's chambers. I gently knock on the door. Not receiving a reply I open the door. I'm greeted by a dimly lit room, the only source of light illuminating the space was the dying fire in the fireplace. My eyes travel to Elizabeth's bed, expecting to see the beautiful brunette lying peacefully under the covers. Yet, the bed was empty, the sheets pushed to the side.

           A loud thump pulls my attention away from Elizabeth's bed and towards her washroom. I raised my sword, slowly making my way across the room, my bare feet softly tapping on the stone floor beneath me.

"Elizabeth," I whispered, approaching the slightly opened door. Yet, I again was met with silence.

"Ellie," I whispered, opening the door slowly, my eyes widening at the sight before me.

            There, lying motionless on the stone floor was Elizabeth. Her face wet with what I assumed to be water. Her hair sprawled wildly around her head like a lion's main. 

"Ellie," I exclaimed, I released my hold on my sword, allowing it to hit the stone floor with a clang. I gather her motionless form into my arms, her skin hot to the touch.

"Ellie....," I gently brush a strand of wet hair off her face. Her eyes were dancing beneath her eyelids frantically, her breathing coming out in short gasps. She was suffering in her sleep, there was nothing I could do but wake her.

"Elizabeth, open your eyes," I pleaded, gently tapping her cheek. As if on command Elizabeth's eyes flew open. Her once-labored breathing now calming at the sight of me. Her hazel eyes fill with tears, a soft whimper escaping her lips. I pulled her against me, my arms wrapping around her shaking form.

"Shhh," I cooed, gently stroking her back soothingly. "What happened darling?"

"Gold," She whimpered against my neck. 

"What," I asked, my eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

"My eyes," she mumbled. "They were gold."

            My hold on her tightened when I realized what she was saying, my body stiffening. Memories passed through my head of that night. The night her eyes glowed gold before she collapsed. I gently pecked her forehead, pulling her away from me to look into her eyes, now red and puffy from crying. 

"It was all my fault," She whispered, closing her eyes briefly, a sea of tears escaping them.

"What was darling," I asked, yet I didn't receive a response, for she began to cry even harder. I let her cry, not wanting to force her to tell me what she meant.

"Let us get you back to bed," I stated, lifting her into my arms and exiting the washroom. I made my way over to her bed, gently placing her on the mattress before pulling the covers over her.

"Please stay," She pleaded, her glossy eyes meeting mine. I nodded, walking to the other side of the bed and climbing in. She scooted closer to me, her back facing me. I threw my arms around her, pulling her body closer to mine, my lips brushing against the back of her ear.

"We will figure this out," I whispered in her ear. "I promise."

"I'm scared," She replied, her shaky voice causing my heart to clench.

"As long as I am here nothing can hurt you," I assured her. "Get some sleep darling."

            With that, we both drifted to sleep. The sound of the dying fire in the fireplace being the only sound audible, as well as her soft breathing as she dozes to sleep in my arms. My hand of the arm thrown over her interlaced with hers.

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