Lancelot 4: The Knighting of Sir Lancelot

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Arthur's POV:

            I stood before the knights of Camelot in the center of the palace courtyard. My men anxiously waiting for me to speak, to tell them why I had called this surprise gathering.

"The beast is heading for Camelot," I announced. "It's fast and agile, but big enough to hit and to hit hard. Starting today your training routines will concentrate on attack strategy. We don't have much time. Dismissed."

            With that, the nights dispersed, leaving me standing there alone. From the corner of my eye, I saw a tall figure approaching, my eyes focused, realizing it was Lancelot who approached. He bowed before me, rising back up, his eyes trained on me.

"Yes, Lancelot," I spoke.

"Is there anything I can do, sire," The eager man asked. "It's just, I know that in the event of battle only a knight may serve."

"That's correct, Lancelot," I said with a nod. "And you are not yet a knight, which is why I'm bringing your test forward. You'll face me in the morning."

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             The next morning came quickly, I stood in the middle of the training grounds, and the knights of Camelot surrounded me. They all wore their training armor, ready to begin. My eyes scanned the crowd of men, landing on Lancelot.

"Well, here we are, your final challenge," I spoke. "Succeed, and you join the elite. Fail, and your journey ends here."

            I scanned the audience that had formed, my eyes landing on a pair of familiar hazel ones. There, standing amongst the crowd was Elizabeth, her long brown hair pulled back in a messy braid. She had a bow clutched in her hand, having just finished practice, her free hand fiddling with her drawstring as she waited anxiously for the duel to begin. The point of the match was to remove a cloth your opponent wore on his belt. Once you remove your opponent's cloth you would claim victory.

"Lancelot, the fifth son of Lord Eldred of Northumbria," I pause, turning to face one of the servants standing off to the side. With a nod of reassurance from me, the servant flips the hourglass sitting on the small table beside him. "Your time starts now."

            The two of us both put our helmets on, neither of us daring to break eye contact with the other. In unison, we both drew our swords, waiting for one another to be fully ready before starting the duel. Lancelot sent the first blow, bringing the sword down, aiming for my right arm, yet I effortlessly blocked it. I retaliated, swinging my sword downward, aiming for his leg, yet he easily dogged the attack, jumping out of the way before my blade made contact with his armor. Sparks flew off our blades as they clashed together with bruit force, neither one of us daring to show weakness. When Lancelot gave me an opening to send my final blow I took it, sending my fist upward and making direct contact with his chin. His helmet went flying off his head as he fell backward onto the grass. I had won, my opponent now lay on the floor unconscious. I sighed, feeling a bit disappointed. I was honestly hoping he would win.

"Shame," I said softly, removing my helmet. I stalked over to the fallen swordsman, bending down to remove his cloth. What happened next caused everyone to gasp in shock. Lancelot jolted, kicking the back of my legs, causing me to fall onto my back. He then quickly rose from the ground, grabbing his blade and pointing the tip at me.

"Do you submit, sire," He asked. Before I could answer he was roughly pulled back by guards. I rose from my lying position on the ground, standing before him.

"On your knees," I instructed.

^ * ^ * ^ * ^ * ^ * ^ * ^ * ^ * ^

"Arise, Sir Lancelot, knight of Camelot," My father spoke, as he knighted Lancelot in the center of the throne room. Lancelot had bested me fair and square earlier in the day, resulting in this knighting ceremony. Lancelot rose from his kneeling position in front of my father while to throne room erupted in cheers. I looked around the room, my eyes spotting Elizabeth standing in the corner of the room, Amelia standing by her side stuffing her face full of sweets she got off the food table. I smiled at the two before approaching them. 

"Enjoying the ceremony," I asked curiously, Elizabeth smiled at me.

"Yes, we are," She chuckled. She then looked down at Amelia, who was still enjoying the sweets. "Some more than others."      

            I crouched in front of the young girl, my eyes meeting her light green ones. Even after the horrors she's witnessed, her eyes still beam. 

"Well hello there. Are you enjoying the ceremony," I asked softly, smiling at her. She nods excitedly. "I like your dress."

"Thank you," She spoke softly, smiling shyly.

"Do you like chocolate," I asked, she nodded vigorously, causing me to chuckle. "Me too, and I know that they are keeping all the best chocolate in the kitchen. Yet I can never make it past the chef, she always spots me trying to steal the chocolate. Do you think you can sneak in past her and get all of us some chocolate?"

                She giggled, nodding before rushing out of the throne room and towards the kitchen.  I then focused my gaze on Elizabeth, who was smiling down at me, seeing as I was still in the crouching position. I rose from where I was crouched, coming to stand over her, our eyes never leaving one another's.

"What are you smiling at," I asked. Elizabeth blushed before speaking.

"I never knew you were good with kids," She spoke.

"There is a lot you have yet to learn about me," I spoke. "Three main things you have yet to discover."

"Oh really? And what would those things be," She asked intriguingly.

"Like how I love using your brother as a punching bag for instance," I said, causing Ellie to laugh. "And how my flower is the sunflower."

"You have a favorite flower," She questioned.

"Every man secretly has a favorite flower," I announced, she smiled.

"And the third thing," She pried.

"I think you look really beautiful this evening," I complimented softly. Elizabeth's face turned red before she smiled at me happily.

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Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been very busy recently.

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