Chapter 11 Climax

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On phone-

"What now?"

"I wanted to meet you"

"Not interested" misa was about to hang up then the voice of him made her cease the rotation of her hand.

"I'm downstairs!"

"What! What are you doing downstairs?" She is like that she can bite his head off.

"Just come and take me to your dorm I wanted to talk to you about something urgent, and yeah we can't talk anywhere else but just in your room"

"What's wrong with you! No one except students can come here and if you come I will get the bone to pick with you" she is annoyed to death.

"Ok then I think I will find your room by myself" min hung up

"Hello......hello ... Min ....... Min ...ugh" she is up in arms about this.

Misa made her way downstairs where she saw min coming upstairs and luckily there was no one so she went near him.
Misa grabbed Min's hand and dragged him towards her room.

When they both were there misa removed her slippers outside and went inside following her min also removed his shoes and made himself follow her footsteps.

Misa turned and faced him
"What the hell is wrong with you!, Why are you irritating me, and why did you come here? What is the mysterious secret of the treasure you wanted to tell me that you even came inside my dorm? Do you know how much risky it is? If anyone saw you here they will complain about it. And what everybody will think? If you wanted to say me something you can open it on the phone you don't have to come here" after misa blowed a fuse, hearing this scolding from misa, min started to come near her, and because of his strange behavior misa backed her steps that made her sit on the corner of the bed.

Min first removed his cap then his mask at last his goggles which made misa shocked to the death.

Her mouth was opened after seeing the view in front of her. She just can't believe what her eyes making her see.
There were so many things happening in her mind but she can't process to say anything.

After some time of silence, Misa's shivering sound filled the room.

"S-so y-you h..having l..l..looks like the heon of s-sunbeam t-th-that's why you always cover your face right! that no one will misunderstand you, for him and bother you right?" Misa's voice which so low but able to reach the ears of min. Min sat on his knees in front of misa.

"That is what I wanted to tell you that I'm an idol I'm min hyeon soo, the heon of Sunbeam." Misa is just so much shocked that she can't make her mind process anything. Her lips went dry, She just wanted to run away from this weird situation.

She is just staring at him. Min knew that she is so muddled right now.
"Let me believe you on me. What will I do to believe you on me ohh wait" he took his phone and showed her some pictures. But she is just staring at his face.

"But why an idol will meet, so normal girl like me. I'm even not a Korean?"

"Our destiny made us meet, but you made me fall for you" misa is still not recovered on the truth of min as heon and now another bomb blast on her that he even likes her, she wished with her whole heart to mother earth to swallow her in this very moment.

Yeah, it's the thing that every girl dreams about that her crush will have a crush on her. But your celebrity crush having crush on you is a rare thing. And misa got that in her life but misa never thought or not willing to do anything fascinating apart from having a normal life but now she can sense that the adventure of her life had begun.

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