Brian X Jay ⊗ MH

148 3 0

Request on A03 for some Bray fluff 

"You hanging out with Tim again?" Jay tried to sound casual as he walked with Brian back to the parking lot. In reality he was slightly jealous of the shorter man, as he'd been crushing on Brian for a while now.

"Hmmm? Oh, nah. Tim's got his own thing tonight." Brian's lips tugged up at the corners as he stared back at Jay, who could only stare at the cute smile. He let out a chuckle, not missing the script supervisor's staring. "Besides, I've got a date."

Jay felt like he'd been sucker punched in the gut. A crestfallen expression shadowed his eyes as he turned forward again. "Oh... I thought you and Tim were...?"

"No, Tim and I are just buddies. He doesn't have a lot of friends so I usually try to give him company." He put an arm around the thinner man's shoulders, pulling him closer as they walked. "I meant... us. You're my date."

His whole body heated up, a blush blatantly obvious on his ears and face. Jay stared up at him. "Really?"

"If you want." Another flash of that charming smile and a wink nearly made Jay's legs give out.

"I—yeah. I'd love to."


He shifted over on the couch, making room as Brian returned with a bowl of popcorn. It'd been several dates since their first but Jay still couldn't help but feel butterflies in his stomach whenever they were together. Tonight was just a simple movie night but he enjoyed nights like this. They were easy to arrange and the two could spend some quality time together, just the two of them.

"Do I get to know what we're watching now?" Jay leaned against his boyfriend, staring up into Brian's mischievous hazel eyes.

A hand ruffled his hair playfully before sliding down to caress his cheek. "A comedy, that's the only hint ya get."

"That'll be nice." He glanced at the previews while fiddling with the sleeves of the light yellow-tan hoodie Brian had let him borrow. Jay secretly joked to himself that Brian might not get it back.

Brian hummed in agreement before swallowing some of the popcorn he'd been chewing. "Yeah... Could use a laugh after filming. Don't get what's gotten into Alex lately..."

"Dunno, he hasn't mentioned anything to me either." He shrugged it off, having long since decided the man had just become stressed over the project.

A chuckle came from Brian, the sound reverberating in his chest. "Good thing he has me, the handsome and charming star to keep things going."

"More like the hogger of popcorn." He teased, reaching over to grab some from the bowl.

"And here I thought you wouldn't notice."

Brian laughed and hit play on the movie before moving it to the coffee table so they could both easily reach it. Jay cuddled against his side as he settled back down and felt Brian's arm wrap loosely around him. He smiled and laid his head on Brian's chest; he could hear the steady thumping of his heartbeat.

The two stayed like that for most of the movie, only really moving when another round of snacks was needed. Brian had his head resting on top of his and Jay could feel his soft breaths causing some of his hair to move ever so slightly with each exhale. As the movie progressed, he felt the arms around him loosen. Jay did his best to glance up without disturbing Brian, already knowing he'd fallen asleep. A smile grew on his face and he took one of Brian's hands in his; the faint snoring sound was adorable.

Jay carefully maneuvered as he got up to avoid waking Brian once the movie was over. He left the dvd in the player and turned off the tv. Glancing back at his boyfriend, a quiet giggle escaped. Brian had shifted, somehow managing to sprawl out on the couch without rolling off. He took their bowls out to the kitchen, giving the man another minute to sleep before he'd have to wake him up.

"Bri. Hey, wake up sleepy-head." Jay shook his boyfriend's shoulder, getting a little rougher when it didn't work the first few times; the guy really was a deep sleeper. "Brian, movie's over."

"Hmmm?" His eyes cracked open before closing again. A sly grin forming on his face. "Mmmh, maybe a kiss'll wake me up."

"Who are you? Sleeping Beauty?" He snorted teasingly.

"Well, I was sleeping and I am beautiful." His eyes opened again, staring up at Jay as he leaned over him.

"Surprised you wouldn't want to be Prince Charming."

"I can be both." He sat up, still sounding half asleep.

"Uh huh." Jay smiled, leaning closer to give him a quick but loving kiss before helping him up. "Come on, time for bed."

"Wanna to spend the night? It's pretty late."

It wouldn't be the first time he'd stayed over and admittedly, Jay was feeling tired. He yawned and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that'd be nice."

Brian pulled out his phone, setting an alarm before sitting it on the bedside table in his room. Getting into bed and sliding under the covers, he turned to Jay. "I've gotta leave early for some solo scenes a bit away. I'll try not to wake you."

Jay nodded and moved closer to him, the two wrapping their arms around each other after they'd gotten comfortable; he had a spare key already that he could use when he left. Once again, he laid his head on Brian's chest and relaxed as he closed his eyes and drifted off. 

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