Brian x Tim ⊗ MH

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A03 request: Some Brim fluff

Another bout of coughing filled the quiet house. Tim looked up from where he'd been digging around the medicine cabinet to stare in the direction of his room, though he couldn't see it from where he was standing. Worry creased his brow and he went back to his search, finally finding what he was looking for.

The fit died down as he walked into the room. "Found it."

"Mmmm, fine." Brian hazily rolled his head to look at him.

"That's a lie and we both know it."

Another hoarse hum rasped out. Tim sighed and shook his head as he quickly read the instructions and shook out the two pills. Hopefully they'd work well enough to bring the fever down. If it went any higher he was considering taking Brian to the hospital. "Alex has been pushing him too hard."

"Here." He pressed the medicine and a glass of water into Brian's hands, helping him sit up so he could take them easier; his boyfriend's skin felt clammy and was a sickly pale color to match. This wasn't the first time Tim had taken care of him when he was sick but this was the worst he'd seen so far. "So warm out, don't get how else he picked this bug up. He's barely been able to get any sleep."

Obediently, Brian did as asked, panting slightly afterwards as if the task had worn him out. Tim stroked his hair with a hand, trying to act as some form of comfort. Weight pressed against his stomach as Brian leaned his head against his body. A small smile formed on his face and he chuckled as Brian tried to mumble more about how he felt perfectly healthy.

"I'll be right back with some crackers, think you can eat them?"

There was a silence before Brian finally nodded. "Uh huh... 'Course I can."

"Hopefully it goes better than the soup." He let Brian settle back in bed before leaving to grab the crackers from the kitchen.

Dragging footsteps and a hunched over figure greeted him as he closed the cabinet and picked up the plate. Tim let out a breath and shook his head. Of course Brian was going to be stubborn. "Just because he took some medicine doesn't mean he's better."

"Can I please sit out here at least?" Tim didn't even have to verbalize his complaints before Brian intercepted.

"Okay, okay... fine. You can sit out here with me." He agreed, putting an arm around the taller man as he guided him to the couch. "You need another blanket? A pillow? More water?"

A raspy laugh came from the man buried in the comforter. Tim tried not to hover but he always found it nice when he did; it was cute. "I think I'm good."

"You feel like you can watch something?"

"Of course."

The look on Brian's face seemed a little too cocky but Tim turned on the TV anyway and settled down on the couch with him, handing the plate of crackers over. If he wanted to get nauseous trying to act normal it was on him—though he'd feel bad for allowing it to happen.

It wasn't long before Brian was practically lying on him. He smiled and put an arm around the blanket in the general area of Brian's waist. Tim wasn't too worried about catching anything, plus if Brian did get him sick maybe he'd finally get a break from Alex's constant nagging—even Brian had finally admitted he was becoming insufferable.

"You're comfy." Brian snuggled closer, his eyes closed and a smile on his face.

"Am I?" He glanced away from the television to look down.

He received a muffled sound of confirmation and contentment in response before speaking clearer again. "The comfiest."

Tim couldn't help but laugh a little at the goofy grin on Brian's face and faintly blushed at the compliment. Even if the man was half out of it, he was aware the comment was genuine; they meant quite a lot too, especially when they came from Brian.

He rubbed slow circles on one of Brian's hands and watched as the fever medicine did its work and sent him dozing off. Tim looked back to the TV, speaking in quiet amusement to himself. "Huh, guess I must be." 

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