Shock Collar ⊗ MH

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Alex comes across a proxy and uses them to his advantage Similar to "Double Trouble" where Alex and Pawn team up. They would make a great team if Alex wasn't more likely to kill them on site, but it would definitely have toxic elements 💀

Voices... Alex paused his patrol of the burned out hospital. For a moment the man thought he'd been imagining it but as he slowly began walking again the sound picked up again. It got louder and more distinct, two voices being made out from harsh whispers. He readied the gun in his hand and pressed against the wall, listening as he assessed the best time to attack.

"If they're in this place, they're probably infected." And if they weren't, they would be soon. It was best to take care of it before the sickness worsened.

"I say we take out this source and get it over with." A male's voice grumbled.

"And I say we follow him. There could be more." A scoff before the second voice continued. "You shouldn't even be here. You're not a proxy. This isn't your job—I shouldn't let you get involved."

A source? Alex inhaled sharply at the terms being thrown around. Were they hunting Jay and Tim too? Or... were there others he didn't know about? "There's one they followed here..."

Something told him that it wasn't the man in the hoodie. Alex waited a few more seconds as they argued before slipping into the doorway and shooting. The first shot had missed but his second hit a lean blond man in the chest. His third shot crippled the masked figure, piercing into their thigh as they rushed to defend their partner.

"Zac!" The figure in the mask hovered over the dying man, trying in vain to stop the bleeding. Spotting him, they let out a feral growl and got into a fighting position.

He raised the gun again, giving an irate sigh when it clicked; he'd forgotten to reload it from the previous use when he'd gone after Hoody. Alex changed tactics, spinning the weapon around before slamming it into the masked person's temple. They crumpled to the ground, not dead but it'd buy him time to find something he could kill them with. The other guy—Zac—wouldn't be an issue much longer.

"Hey..." The man coughed, his voice gargled with blood. Alex realized Zac was laughing. "Can't... can't kill a proxy... th... that ea...sily."

"What's a proxy?" it seemed important, from the sound of it different than a source, but Alex didn't see what the man was getting at. "You sure about that? You look fucked."

Zac grinned with blood stained teeth and shook his head just enough to be noticeable. "Y-you're..."

A deep, gurgled gasp of breath and the man was gone. Alex stared for a moment before his eyes fell on the masked figure. He needed to kill them before they woke up... or he should do that. But hesitation stopped him. There was no reason to trust the ramblings of a dying stranger but if they did have information, he still had one left to pry it out of.

They woke up a few minutes later. Alex watched from the opposite side of the trashed room, grinning as they struggled momentarily against the ropes and wire he'd found scattered about to tie them up. He tossed their mask to the ground and stomped down, hearing the satisfying sound of the plastic breaking—if only that had been Tim's face. Perhaps this one knew of the other two and he could kill three birds with one stone. Finding Jay after wouldn't be too difficult.

"Who are you?" Despite his icy tone... the woman laughed, though it was broken and crazed. Alex gritted his teeth. "Answer the question!"

"You going to torture me? I've met HABIT, nothing you do will ever compare."

Slenderverse One-shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें