Beast Mode ⊗ MH

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A03 request: The Operator shows it true/second form and Jay, Tim, and Alex see it change. They now have a shotgun and try to kill it with that.

CW: this is basically just gore 

To say things had fallen into chaos quickly was an understatement. Alex didn't know who to side with, if it was possible to side with whatever the entity was, or whether he should just shoot everyone. His heart was pounding to the point it felt like it was trying to climb up his throat. Another ragged hacking sound left his mouth, blood speckling the earth. The only thing he could hear was that damned ringing and distorted voice within the static. Looking around, he could see Tim and Jay suffering similarly.

His gaze fell to the discarded shotgun he'd brought. In all their fighting and that creature's arrival it'd been tossed from his grip. "I need to grab it... End... this!"

How? Shooting that thing hadn't worked with his handgun. What use was a shotgun going to be? Kill Tim. It started with him; it had to end with him. Alex retched again as he tried to crawl for the weapon. His mind seemed to liquidate as that entity flickered into his line of sight, stopping his advances.

Unlike previous encounters, it had changed before them. No longer did it look like a mannequin in a suit. It's arms had stretched and claw like fingers ripped into the forest floor. Tentacles had torn through its back and stretched out like branches before lashing out like twisted black vines. A sickening crack rang out followed by the sound of something tearing open. Soon after the faceless white head broke apart to reveal jagged rows of teeth as its mouth unhinged. Its movements were fast and jerky like an unpredictable animal's... and it finally set its sunken sockets onto its target.

A long shriek pierced the air as the tentacles descended. Alex choked on his own scream as he watched Jay get yanked back towards the monster. If that was it, perhaps it wouldn't have been so terrifying—or less so than it already was—but no. No. That creature wasn't going to end this quickly. Another tentacle lashed out, wrapping tightly around his body. It all happened so quick he didn't have time to utter a sound before he was flying through the air. Alex grunted as he slammed into something... or rather, someone.

Tim shoved him off and he watched the man try to stand only to be knocked back again. Even he had to feel sorry for the guy. He didn't try to help. No, his gaze had once more become fixated on what was happening to Jay. "How is he still alive?"

His friend's eyes were rolled back in his head and his mouth had been forced apart, clearly breaking his jaw by the way it was set. Jay's limbs were each held by a tentacle, which seemed to be on the verge of tearing them off his body completely. Another one was down his throat. Alex vomited when he realized he could see it moving beneath the man's skin. The only reason he'd even realized Jay was alive through all this was the suffocated screeching.

"I don't want to see this!" His body was practically vibrating due to his trembling. The entity seemed to have a pull, forcing him to keep watching. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I should've been faster."

Killing his friends was horrible. He truly felt bad for what he was doing. But it was to save them—save everyone else—from what had been happening to them. It certainly would've been faster than what that thing was doing right now. Forcing Jay to feel everything yet keeping him awake and alive... Alex felt helpless. "What if... What if Tim was right? I wasn't fixing anything... I-I fed it. I fed it and it grew strong enough to do this!"

A hoarse, agonized cry rang through the air before becoming a choke gurgle. The urge to puke once again made him heave as he saw the tentacle retract from Jay's mouth with its prize. He wasn't sure what organ it was but just the sight of one alone was enough to make him sick all over again. Alex panted, his throat burning as he wished his body would pass out already. But that thing wouldn't let him. He watched as again and again it removed Jay's organs. Each one was left carefully on the ground, the monster apparently wasn't even doing this to eat them.

Jay had stopped vocalizing his pain as the torture continued. Alex was convinced he was dead until the thin man's gaze had focused towards them. A look of terror and pleading made Alex feel like he'd been stabbed in the chest. But he realized it wasn't him Jay was looking at.

A gun cocked to his right. Alex finally managed to look away from the gruesome scene to see Tim on his feet. The man was barely standing, his body swaying and blood dripping from injuries created when he'd been knocked away earlier. "L... let... him... g-go...!"

A smile, if it could be called that, smeared across the entity's face. Bones snapped and crunched in its grip as the being shifted to face Tim. As if to further prove it didn't have to listen, the Operator's tentacles swiftly yanked away from Jay's body, ripping his limbs apart. His remains dropped to the ground and a clawed hand stepped down, crushing the remains before dragging it back to further shred it. Alex would've hurled again if there was anything left at the overkill.

The spell forcing him in place broke at the sound of the shotgun being fired. Alex unsteadily tried to stand, failing several times. Outstretched tentacles seemed to finally convince his body to respond and he shuddered as they wisped against his leg. He hurried towards Tim, stumbling and trying to find his voice.

"That.... Ti... Tim... That won't work." He wheezed, dry-heaving. Instinctively, he grabbed the nearest, which happened to be Tim's sleeve, and gripped it tightly to avoid falling.

A hand grabbed his arm and pushed him off. "Get off! Th... this is... your fault!"

"Yeah... I know." He didn't blame the shorter man for turning on him as well. Alex nearly collapsed again, his body jerking violently. He gasped trying to focus on the fact that the entity was about to kill them too. "...Run."

Tim didn't seem to hear. He was too focused on firing the gun at the Operator again. The futile attacks just seemed to go through it, only serving as an annoyance. The clawed hands and tentacles came at them. Alex felt his mind blank as he shoved Tim out of the way. Something warm was spreading down his chest and back. The chaotic noise in his mind began to dim along with his surroundings.

"Alex?" Tim's confused shout sounded further away than it should have.

"Please... just run..." He felt the appendage slip from his chest, leaving him to bleed out amongst the trees. 

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