Brian X Tim: Reunion ⊗ MH

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A03 request: Post-MH Brim fluff

Tracking Tim down hadn't been easy. The man had practically fallen off the face of the earth after the last entry he'd posted. Brian didn't give up; after Tim had came back for him and saved his life after he'd slipped and fallen... how could he leave the man to face the world alone? It had taken some time but he'd done it... though the timing was a little late. Brian sloshed through another puddle, shivering a little from the cold rain; he'd been out here for hours now.

"Tim?" He edged closer to the car and around the driver's side, looking at the man hunched over the wheel within. Flung further down the road lay the deer Tim had likely tried to swerve and avoid. "Tim, can you hear me?"

He tried the door, relieved when it opened, but hesitated to try shaking him awake. For all he knew it could do more damage than good. Brian settled for holding Tim's hand, squeezing it gently as he used his other hand to hold the phone and call for help. The faint twitch of fingers intertwining with his sent a wave or reassurance through him that Tim was at least alive. "Just hang in there a little longer... I can't be too late."

A little shamefully, he'd kept his distance and hid when the ambulance showed up. After everything he'd been through he'd gotten used to hiding and avoiding people who might start asking questions. Brian kept a close watch on the hospital though. He'd watched as Tim walked out days later, reluctant to approach and essentially jump him at that time.

That was why he found himself outside Tim's house a night later. He stared at the door, debating on what to say or whether or not he should just leave. He'd only spent the past hour creeping around as he went over his options. Brian raised a loose fist to knock, hesitated, and turned away. "I can't do it... What if he doesn't want me around anymore?"

A weight slammed into him as he walked through the small, slightly overgrown backyard. Grunting as he was brought to the ground, he did his best to roll onto his back to better defend himself. The grip on his faded hoodie tightened but an attack never came.

"Brian?" The way Tim whispered his name made his heart stutter. It was like the man was afraid to be wrong.

He stared up into the dark brown eyes, noting the fading scar above one of them from the recent accident, before trailing his gaze down to Tim's lips. The silence stretched between them as Tim slowly relaxed and came to the conclusion that Brian was in fact there. He'd gotten so lost in ogling Tim and relishing the gentle caresses down his chest and through his tangled hair that he nearly missed the feeling of lips ghosting over his. The kiss was ginger and so brief he thought he'd imagined it, though it had still managed to seemingly steal his breath away.

"I'm sorry." Tim retreated, though was still straddling his waist.

Brian propped himself up on his elbows, confused over the apology. "Don't be."

"No," he shook his head and once again observed him as if Brian was going to vanish. "I mean for leaving you alone... I should've stayed. I should've—"

He placed a finger over Tim's lips to silence him before removing it to brush his fingers through the soft dark hair that had fallen onto one side of the man's face. "You can't change the past... besides, you really think I was gonna let you get away that easily?"

A grin tugged at the corners of Brian's lips. Sure, it would've saved time if Tim had stayed after finding him, but he didn't blame the guy for leaving. He'd been hurt pretty bad and Tim had already witnessed enough death; it was a miracle he'd pulled through and still had the use of his legs. He was lucky Tim hadn't been badly injured either.

"How did you find me?" He was melting into Brian's touch.

"It wasn't easy, 'specially when you stopped uploading."

A spark of humor returned to Tim's eyes. "Nothing a star like you couldn't handle though, huh?"

"Well duh." His playful, cocky attitude shifted as he noticed Tim flinch ever so slightly when he gently pushed against his chest. "...Are you feeling okay?"

"It's fine."


"Just some bruises." He stole a reassuring kiss before getting up. There was a subtle limp in his step, as his leg still got stiff from time to time despite how long it'd been healed. "C'mon, let's head inside. I promise, it's much more comfortable than the ground."

"Do I get to use the front door or should I try entering through a window?"

Tim had once been annoyed by all these break-ins, but knowing it was his boyfriend? Well, he wished Brian had mentioned it sooner but he figured they could laugh about it now. He shook his head and threw an arm around the taller man's shoulders. "We'll save the window for another time."

"Only the more scandalous visits then." Despite the lack of anything other than a distant street light, he could see the blush crossing Tim's face.

There was a homey feeling to Tim's place that was immediately felt when he stepped through the door. Tim's suddenly nervous stare was on his back as Brian slowly moved further into the house. The muted colors gave off a warm calming feel to the place and after exploring the living space for a minute, he took a seat on the light tan couch next to a neatly folded plaid blanket.

Tim joined him, pressing close to his side as he watched Brian's reactions. "...Do you have a place to stay?"

"I, um... Nothing permanent." Admittedly he'd been staying in a hotel, though his funds were nearly gone.

"You could... stay with me?"

The offer made his heart race. How many times had they stayed over at each other's places back in college? Too many to count. The only thing making him hesitate was the fact he'd surely damaged the trust between them during the years everyone had assumed he was dead. Did Tim really care enough about him to see passed that? So far it seemed that way but what if that was because Tim just got him back?

He must've been making a face because Tim shifted, putting a small gap between them with a look of worry. It felt cold without him and Brian quickly amended that by shifting to wrap his arms around Tim and pull him back. "I'd love that... but, we have a lot to catch up on."

"Is that a no then?"

Was that disappointment? He pressed his lips to Tim's forehead. "Oh I'm definitely moving in. I just think we should take things slow."

"Can I ask you out to grab breakfast?"

"Hmmmm... Make it lunch." It was late and Brian highly doubted either of them would be awake early enough for it to be considered breakfast time.

Another quiet laugh rumbled in Tim's chest. "Alright."

Brian was practically laying under him as he cuddled with Tim. His eyes drooped as their conversation dwindled out. He was pretty sure dawn light was starting to shine through the tops of the curtains and mumbled in complaint as he ducked down to bury his face in the crook of Tim's neck. He expected Tim to leave so he could sleep in the comfort of a bed but light snores reached his ears. Glancing up Brian saw Tim's head resting on his chest. The way they were laying wasn't the most comfortable for him but he couldn't have cared less. With Tim peacefully resting in his arms and the past threats seemingly gone, everything felt hopeful and brighter.

"I missed you." He whispered before letting himself fall asleep. 

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