Date Night ⊗ MH

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Tumblr Request: Pre-MH Tim and Brian fluff

Brian leaned back in the booth, arms crossed behind his head as he eyed the shorter man sliding into the seat across from him. His stare didn't go unnoticed and the corners of his mouth twitched upward as Tim caught his gaze and stared right back.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." The brunette rolled his eyes, shrugging off his coat.

"Maybe I will. I think you look good on camera."
"Not as good as you."

A short laugh escaped. "Well duh, I am the star after all. I have to look good."

A faint pink tinted Tim's ears and his dark eyes flickered to the menu lying on the table between them. Brian sighed and leaned forward, opening his own menu with little interest in actually looking through it; he knew what he'd order.

After another few seconds of silence he spoke up again. "I meant it, Tim."

As much as he joked around about being the all important star of Alex's student film, Brian wasn't sure he fit in front of the camera. It made him feel awkward at times, unsure what exactly to do at times—of course part of that was the lack of instruction in the script. The fact most of his scenes lately just had him standing and reflecting or doing shorter scenes than his co-stars definitely had him questioning his acting abilities.

Tim on the other hand, well... Brian had occasionally hung around to watch Alex film his scenes and his boyfriend almost looked like he belonged behind the camera. Maybe it was Tim's usually stoic demeanor but it was as if he didn't notice the camera recording him. He was certainly perfect for his character's role. The only issue was how often Alex and Tim seemed to butt heads—Brian felt like it was getting worse as the student director grew more and more stressed about the production.

"Guy needs to take a break." Brian glanced out the window, watching as the daylight faded.

"I guess." Tim finally responded.

Their waiter appeared before Brian could reply. After the pair gave their order and handed over the menus, they were once more left to talk in peace.

Once more however, he wasn't allowed to speak as Tim changed the topic. "So how was that party you went to?"

Brian grinned and arched an eyebrow. "Maybe you shoulda come."

Tim gave him a look and made him chuckle; Tim was never much for parties, especially not the ones he liked—loud and full of people. It'd gone until early in the morning too, which had of course been used as a further excuse since Tim had to go to Alex's shoot.

"A blast. Nothing too extreme. Cops weren't called this time." The smile widened at the memory of a different party. "Just a typical college frat party. Bunch of people getting drunk and shouting along to loud music. They had a bonfire that surprisingly didn't burn the house down."

Considering he'd planned this date, he hadn't drank as much as some parties. It wouldn't be fun for him or Tim if he'd been hungover today. It was one of the few times he'd been the designated driver for some of his other buddies instead of one of their girlfriends.

His smile faltered slightly. Had Tim shuddered when he'd mentioned the house burning down or had he imagined it? Brian leaned over the table a little, reaching out to take his hand. "Something wrong?"

"It's nothing."

So he hadn't imagined it. He wouldn't pry. Tim always told him things when he was ready and if something truly bothered him, he'd let Brian know. "Alright then, keep your secrets."

He earned another eye roll for the quote.

"Hey, after this you wanna go back to my place?" He shifted back against the booth again. "I just got some new movies we could watch. Promise you'll like them."

"And they aren't super long this time? 'Cause I might fall asleep again if they are."


Brian wouldn't mind if Tim fell asleep on him again though. He was a cuddler and Brian honestly found it cute. Sometimes his boyfriend would mumble under his breath, though he could never understand the words.

Their food came a while later and they continued their light banter. Most of the topics were small talk, though parts of it had circled back to Alex's film—most complaints or worries. For a short time Brian went on about his job—he totally needed a raise considering all the people he had to deal with. Tim seemed to find his complaints entertaining.

As they wrapped up, Brian handed off his card to pay, much to Tim's apparent dismay. "I could've gotten half."

"I got it." Brian shook his head. "I asked you out, I'm paying this time."

He gave the shorter man a reassuring nudge as he pocketed his card and took Tim's hand to walk out. The night air was warm as they walked to their cars. Despite knowing they'd see each other in a few minutes, Brian was reluctant to let go.

Leaning against the side of his car, Brian looked down as he pulled Tim closer. They shared a kiss before Brian pulled away and took out his keys. "I'll meet you at my house, 'kay?"

"That's the plan." Tim lingered for a second longer before walking the short distance to his own car and following him out of the lot. 

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