Stop Following Me ⊗ MH

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A03 Request: Jay gets pepper sprayed for stalking

Jay knew he shouldn't be doing this; he'd gotten himself into enough trouble as it was lately. Yet here he was, trekking through the woods long after the sun had gone down and barely able to see even with his camera's night vision. The man was pretty sure he'd gotten himself lost, he'd certainly lost Alex.

"Maybe that's for the best... He's been acting weird lately." Weird was putting it nicely. Quite frankly, Alex had been acting like a moody asshole.

By this point he couldn't recount all the times Alex had ignored his calls—even if he'd just ended a call with Jay—or left his texts on read. Even meeting up in person seemed to have its own set of issues, the main one being that Alex would do his best to ignore any and all of his questions that weren't 'relevant'. The only answers Jay could even get from him were vague at best.

"Wonder if he's even looking for Amy still." Despite Alex's mention of wanting to find her, Jay was honestly beginning to question if the man even cared. Thinking back, he hadn't sounded or looked upset by the fact his girlfriend of several years had disappeared.

Maybe Jay was different but if someone he loved had vanished off the face of the earth he'd be more shaken and upset. Even Jessica had sounded more upset during their brief phone call than Alex had this whole time. "Maybe he's just stressed about it... Still sorta weird though."

Twigs continued to snap under his feet despite Jay's attempts to keep quiet. He had no idea who else could be out here with him. Alex was one thing but those masked figures or that thing in the suit was another. At least with Alex he somewhat knew what to expect. Jay swallowed nervously and kept walking, trying to find the path again so he could get out.

Instead, he found himself breaking through the trees and stepping out in front of a large tunnel they surrounded. Jay stared at it before looking around. The area didn't look familiar but he was sure this wasn't something close to his car. What a tunnel was doing out here was beyond him but so were other strange places like that red tower. Just another thing that once held use and had since been abandoned he supposed. Curiosity got the best of him and he wandered closer, inspecting it for... Well, he wasn't sure what he thought he'd find.

"Doesn't look like anything special."

Rocks shifted behind him and Jay whirled around, fearing he'd come face to face with a black and white mask or a red frowning face. Instead, he was blinded nearly instantly by a burning sensation in his eyes and nose. His camera fell as he screamed and tried to wipe at the substance on his face. It didn't register immediately that he'd been pepper sprayed let alone by who due to the pain it was causing.

Tripping over a rock, Jay fell on his back and became winded. He struggled to catch his breath and breath through the sensation. Tears and snot were starting to run down his face as he withered around, still trying in vain to get the pepper spray out of his eyes. Through the pain, he was also acutely aware at how vulnerable to another attack he was and desperately tried to blink and blurrily look around for the person who'd done this. It wasn't very successful, his teary-eyed squinting did little to pick out details in the dark.

"I told you not to follow me." Alex's voice cut through the chaos he was experiencing; his tone was cold and annoyed.

Before Jay could give a snappy retort back about an over reaction he felt a bottle of water get dropped on him. Alex still sounded irritated as he began walking off. "Use that to help flush it out... Don't follow me again Jay. Next time it'll be worse."

He wasn't sure what Alex meant by worse, but Jay wasn't sure he wanted to find out. By the time he could open his eyes again the other man was long gone. His eyes were still in pain as he stumbled back into the trees, hoping not to run into more trouble before he could get to his car. It wasn't preferable, but he'd have to spend the night sleeping in the car right where he was parked in front of Rosswood. 

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