Forest of Snow ⊗ MH

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Trying to escape the Operator, Tim and Jay end up far from home.

"Jay come on!" Tim urged his companion to run faster despite the mind numbing static threatening to send both of them to the forest floor.

The crackling of leaves and snapping of branches covering Jay's panting breaths were the only reason he could still tell Jay was following. To his left the Operator flickered into his peripheral vision again. Skidding, Tim once more tried to change direction without losing his footing. Despite the cool winter air, his body was warm and sweating from the adrenaline coursing through his body.

Just as suddenly as the car could be seen through the tree trunks, their chance of escape was taken away. In a blink, Tim suddenly found himself tripping and tumbling as the shift in locations threw him off balance. The world blurred in white as he rolled down the hill before falling in a heap at the bottom. The man didn't even have time to try dizzily assessing his surroundings before Jay's body barreled into him with a grunt, the air knocked from his lungs.

A groan escaped. Jay didn't weigh much but he was boney and the momentum from the tumble downhill hadn't helped. Feeling slightly nauseous, Tim lifted his head from the cold snow. "Ya okay?"

A shiver came from the man lying next to him, teeth already starting to chatter. "W-where are we?"

That was a good question. It wasn't Rosswood. Hell, he was pretty sure they weren't even in Alabama anymore given how much snow there was. The icy cold seemed to be seeping into his bones. Already, it was making his old leg injury ache.

He was barely on his feet again, still helping Jay get his footing, when he saw the tall figure once again behind them. "Jay..."

"Camera broke..." The other man didn't seem to be paying attention as he fiddled with the device.

"Jay." Tim tugged him by the arm, already stumbling through the snow. "It's here."

His head snapped to the top of the hill as he was dragged by Tim. It wasn't long before he was running next to the shorter man, surpassing him even as his limp worsened. The deep snow wasn't helping either of them however and Tim had to lunge forward to catch his partner as Jay nearly tripped after unexpectedly sinking deeper into a drift.

Spotting a river up ahead, Tim took the lead. He hesitated at the bank. The water was frozen but it was still a risk... Unfortunately, there wasn't a bridge in sight and the buzzing static in his skull was growing louder.

"Follow me." He took a cautious step out onto the ice, hearing it groan but not give way beneath him.

Tim continued, growing bolder and making it half way before turning to Jay. The scrawny man was standing shivering along the bank with scared eyes. Behind him... much too close... was the thing in the suit. "Come on!"

Jay's continued hesitation made Tim start retracing his steps. A loud crack and groan came from beneath him as the ice splintered apart. He tried to run for the safety of the shore. Freezing water submerged him, bubbles spraying from his mouth as his arms flailed for the remains of the ice above. His lungs burned as he accidentally sucked in the water. Breaching the surface, his numb limbs struggled to grab on as the ice continued to fragment.

Jay's shouts were hard to decipher through the haze overtaking him. Tim finally managed to slide onto thicker ice... and then darkness took over.

The sight of Tim disappearing below the freezing water had sent Jay into a panic as he called Tim's name. His coughing fit hindered his attempts to try finding a way to help. He was helpless as Tim flailed for safety. By the time the fit was over... Tim was lying motionless on the ice.

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