Discarded ⊗ MH

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Sequel to Shock Collar

When that man had said proxies were hard to kill, Alex had thought he meant Pawn. Staring across the empty parking lot however sent a chill down his spine; Zac was standing there with a shorter masked figure. He wanted to believe he was seeing things but when he went back over the footage there wasn't even a hiccup. He didn't tell Pawn. Simply said they were moving again, closing in on his former friends. Alex had hoped the distance would keep the proxies at bay... he should've known better.

"I ever ask how to kill a proxy?" He glanced at the quiet figure next to him as they scoped out the college—he recognized parts from when he'd visit Amy.

Pawn turned their head to glance at him before shaking their head.

An aggravated sigh passed through his lips and Alex pressed the worn button. "I meant tell me then."

A wheeze and several coughs echoed through the hall, doing little to ease his paranoia. Those two proxies probably heard that... He knew they were closing in. Twitching, the proxy next to him collected herself. "It... You uh, have to make s-sure they can't heal... Decapitas-sion or... or uhm... burning the body are good options."

"I can manage that." Alex could hear quiet bickering again, much like when he'd first met Pawn. This time, he could make out the word 'traitor' being thrown around as well. He turned to his partner. "Go on ahead, I'll be coming—gotta change out the tape."

Hanging back, he listened as Pawn scouted ahead before following at a slower pace. His gun was in hand, ready to shoot at any sign of the targets. A loud thud caused the paranoid man to jump and take aim at the corner the noise had came from. Sounds of struggling scraped against the floor. Alex edged closer to the corner before whirling around it with his finger on the trigger. A look of annoyance flashed across his face when he saw Pawn seizing. These fits had been growing more frequent as of late; the shocks from the collar would often trigger them.

"This way!" Zac's voice shouted out much too close for Alex's comfort.

Two sets of footsteps charged closer. He wrenched Pawn up, tossing them in front of him; they sank back to their knees as the spasms lessened. "Stand up!"

She sent him a dazed look but obeyed, shakily managing to get her legs to support her weight. It wasn't long before two proxies came into view: Zac and a short woman with a custom respirator mask, metallic retractable claws, and an outfit that looked similar to something Alex had seen the corps wear in Attack on Titan. While the anime reference wasn't terrifying, the claws certainly were. He fired several rounds at them, slipping a hand around Pawn's body to guide her back with him. She was shorter but still worked as a barrier.

Zac took the brunt of the bullets, his body swaying already from the damage the ones that managed to hit had done. But it didn't stop the man completely. The other proxy had managed to evade his poorly aimed shots and claws at him from the right. Alex shouted before screaming as his wrist was grabbed and snapped harshly, the gun clattering to the floor.

"Pawn!" His voice crackled with the pain.

His partner snapped out of the daze they'd gone into and rammed into the shorter proxy. Alex gasped and clenched his teeth as he watched the pair fight. It really wasn't a fair fight, especially once Zac joined in. Pawn was taken to the ground, the old unstable floor creaking dangerously beneath the weight of all three proxies.

He reached for his back, pulling out a small bottle of lighter fluid with his good hand. Haphazardly tearing off the cap, he hurriedly began soaking the floor with it. Cement wasn't exactly going to burn but he hoped the section of patched wooden flooring around them and the lighter fluid would be enough to get the job done.

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