Tension of the other worlds

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The clean, white pillars of quartz towered above Scott and the rest.

The garden of Rivendell was such a magical place it took your breath away the first time you would visit,and every time after.

Green bushy vines with white flowers overflowed from everywhere.

White tulips and blue cornflowers spilled out of the flowerbeds.

Sparkling fairy lights and floating lanterns dotted the sky.

Which is why such tension shouldn't coat the air in a place as magical and enchanting as that.

Scott stepped forward. "Who are you?!" Phil stepped back. "Ok," he deduced. "Not Aeor? Exor? Why are we pulling swords out-"

"How did you know about Aeor and Exor?" Asked Scott, eyes narrow.

Phil tilted his head. "You said my name, didn't you? You know me, right?" Scott blanched. 

He actually had no idea why or how he blurted out the name Phil. It felt like an instinct.

Suddenly, Puffy stepped in front of Phil. 

"Let's put the swords down-" She cautioned Gem and Scott. They looked at each other warily.

Puffy frowned. "Please, make sense for a moment. You both are rulers. You can't just attack on impulse."

"Funny, that seems to be a common occurrence here." Muttered Katherine. 

Hannah snorted on accident.

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